what is the best cms for this project


New member
Jun 29, 2008
A police state.
I'm looking for recommendations for the best CMS for a new project I'm working on. I'm open to Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal, vBulletin, but would also like suggestions on paid options or others I haven't considered. I've done a decent amount of research, but I'm open to suggestions. Which software is best (for this project) and why?

I would characterize this project as a (libertarian) political activist website. I'm in the process of acquiring a premium, relevant name. Functionality-wise I need strong forum features and a strong blogging platform. I would like the forum to serve as an activist/grassroots arena and the blogs to serve as the main form of content. Popular user blogs would ideally be promoted to articles or feature posts on the index page. Powerful plugins/addons are a big plus.

My first instinct is to go with vBulletinCMS because of the forum software. However, the shortcomings of the blogging platform and the article system leave my standoffish. Wordpress seems like a good option, but I'm doubtful that a multi-blog installation and vbulletin bridge is the best option, and I'm not sure it's the best fit for a project of this size. Joomla seems nice but might be overkill, and I would struggle with the design and customization. I have a lot of experience with vBulletin and Wordpress, but not much with the other options.

Thoughts? What would you use for this project, knowing it will be focused on political activism and rely heavily on user-generated content (specifically blogs and forums)? I'm also open to suggestions on features/promotion/the project in general. Thanks in advance.

I agree with everyone else. I love WP and it has robust forum capabilities as has been mentioned. It's a lot more user-friendly than Joomla, IMHO, and better for multi-author sites.
Thanks guys, I have decided to use wordpress. Hopefully I'll be able to find a good forum solution or bridge.

Any suggestions for the structure of using multiple users? Do you think it'd be better to use Wordpress MU and have multiple blogs or one blog with many users?

With WordpressMU can users have their own blog and yet allow me to promote their posts to the frontpage as desired? I'd like users to be able to write at will but only posts I select and posts from choice users to be displayed on the homepage.

What are the pros and cons of running one blog v MU?
I agree, go with wordpress!

Consider using bbPress along with it so you can create a community - it can be tweaked to look pretty very easily
I agree. WordPress and SimpleForum are probably your best bet.

One thing you need to consider is expandability later on. Do they want to add articles (not blog posts) to their sites later? What about design and layout changes on the per page level? If this is the case, you are going to run into trouble with WordPress without Pluggin it to death. WordPress is great for personable sites with a personal feel. If you are going for professionalism, I might suggest going with Drupal for this one because of it's per page customization abilities. It all depends on where you want to go down the road.

I hope this helps.

Very cool system, includes a forum and numerous other features as standard. TikiWiki is also hard to beat for native featureset. WordPress is of course the de facto leader, but there are many options out there.

For this Wordpress will be the best for you. there are couples of forum plugins available in free or pro version. One of my friend use Mingle Forum plugins for a political talk, discussion blog. hope you can check it.


Thanks for the suggestions.

For a site like alternet.org, they use wordpress, but is that managed with wordpress, wordpress mu, or some sort of plugin?
@Admins: if you disagree with this post, don't ban me fore this, just delete this post; i read ALL of your rules, and my "common sense" tells me that it is ok to mention something that we developed, because this guy is asking for input on this, and we HAVE what he is asking about.

@OP (original poster):
I think that we have something that does ALL of that, in 1 shot, but i'll leave you to be the judge of that:
Information Systems • Best Website Software • Best Website Builder

You start with a user account system, and add whatever else you want for your website (forums, blogs, multimedia system (like youtube), cms, ecommerce, etc). It's NEW and PROTOTYPICAL, but WE do all of the maintenance and bug fixes, so you don't have to worry about that (ie, it's fully managed). Also, you can use it for free. Payment is OPTIONAL.

If that's not up your alley, then, i hear that everyone else is just using wordpress. But i don't know that it can do EVERYTHING that you are needing. I know there's a lot of plugins for it, though.