What is Query string collection in asp?

Query string collection is retrieving the variable values in HTTP query strings, it is specified by the values following question mark (?)
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Seriously though, this question is the "how is babby made" of the programming world :p
I like in these threads how the same certain words are capitalized in the question and the answer.
Works the same as php. My server doesn't support asp so I don't have an example. I do work with C# a lot and would probably love asp because I hate php syntax but it's easier to set up in more environments and is effective.

In my software I grab the mac address off the user's network card, and send it to the server in a URL like this:
where name=mac address, adNum = 3, playClick = 1

I use that url ^^ to update a mysql database, if there is a matching mac address it will update the record with the information in the URL, if there is no matching mac address it will make a new row and populate it with that data.

  $db = mysql_connect('localhost', 'username', 'password') or die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); 
$db_selected= mysql_select_db("databaseName", $db);
if (!$db_selected)
  die ("Can\'t use test_db : " . mysql_error());
        $name = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['name']); 
        $date = date("d/m/Y");
        $adClick =($_GET['adNum']);
        $playN = ($_GET['playClick']);

$query = "INSERT INTO playerData (mac,date,adClick,playNum) VALUES ('$name', '$date','$adClick','$playN') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE playNum = playNum+$playN, adClick = adClick + $adClick;";
$results = mysql_query($query, $db);

echo "$query";