What is "no scrub"

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No I don't want no scrub
A scrub is a guy that can't get no love from me
Hangin out the passenger side
Of his best friends ride
tryin' to holla at me

sorry, I had to...I'm a 90s child. no i don't know what it means.
no scrub means they dont scrub out emails/leads out of the database, these types of campaigns usually convert a little better.
No I don't want no scrub
A scrub is a guy that can't get no love from me
Hangin out the passenger side
Of his best friends ride
tryin' to holla at me

sorry, I had to...I'm a 90s child. no i don't know what it means.

lol, ...ahhh i miss left-eye.
No I don't want no scrub
A scrub is a guy that can't get no love from me
Hangin out the passenger side
Of his best friends ride
tryin' to holla at me

sorry, I had to...I'm a 90s child. no i don't know what it means.

thats what came to my mind too, lol
Scrubbing is when an advertiser doesn't pay for ALL of the submitted leads. For example, they tell you you're getting paid $5 CPA, but they don't tell you that they're NOT going to pay you for leads that come from certain states. You still send all of your traffic to an offer, but you simply don't get paid for all of the leads. Scrubbing is typically frowned upon, but is very common in many lead-gen verticals.

For example, if you look at any mortgage offers out there, they typically don't pay for "NEW PURCHASE" leads, but a consumer can still submit them, however, they WILL accept Refinance leads.

You should look for "no scrub" campaigns and if that is not stipulated, you should ask whomever you're working with which leads (if any) do NOT get paid for. Especially if you are doing PPC, you can set up negative keywords for the leads you wouldn't get paid for anyway, or find another advertiser that will accept them.

Make sense?
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revealing my noobiness here, but what do you mean - "they don't scrub it out of the database?" do you mean that they remove poorly formed emails, or is it something else?

Theres a million possibilities for scrubbing a lead. Malformed email, invalid phone, too young or old of an age, or whatever the advertiser doesn't want. Some places seem to scrub leads out almost randomly... perhaps just to increase their margins unfairly.
Scrub lists can also include emails... so if an email is already in their database, you don't get paid. Same for ZIPs (I guess that's the states Alex mentioned ^^)
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