What is Black Hat SEO?

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You're preaching to the choir here B

Stumble into a Black Hat discussion on a general internet marketing forum and you are likely left with the impression that we are evil scum of the Earth that is out to destroy the very fabric of society while murdering baby kittens.

I heard BHers eat their competition's children ... that shit still cracks me up.
Stumble into a Black Hat discussion on a general internet marketing forum and you are likely left with the impression that we are evil scum of the Earth that is out to destroy the very fabric of society while murdering baby kittens.

Wait - I thought we were all supposed to off a couple kittens today? It was on my calander.
its 2 kittens and a bunch of terrapins. Why does everyone always forget the fucking terrapins????
I see what you did there...

/obligatory picture
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