What is an acceptable CTR?

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New member
May 11, 2007
I would like to know, based on your experience, what is the average CTR?

I want to start a PPC campaign to promote products from an affiliate program and I wonder what is an acceptable CTR.

Sorry for my english, I usually speak french.

yea what he said ^^^.. but I always shoot for atleast 1% as the average for the entire campaign.
2% is outstanding but i usually shoot for 1%. Of course it doesn't mean a thing if your website can't convert the targeted visitors into customers.
Focus on making a site that converts (test test test) and then get traffic.

CTR doesn't matter - it will vary by niche, by site, by project. You can make a whole lot of money at 1% and nothing at 10%. What matters is conversion.
A few suggestions from Snerdey =)

Try this..

Suggestion one
Make sure you have an excellent counter, a way to see how long on site.
* I use StatCounter Free invisible Web tracker, Hit counter and Web stats cause you can hide it and the graphs are many including "Time on Site" this is priceless.

This part shows if less than 5 seconds,15 seconds all the way to over an hour.

* Using 100 uniques as an example to keep it simple :D
Now if after say a week your traffic for example is 100 unique visitors.

Look at the % of visitors gone within 5 seconds. If that is over 50% or higher you web site sucks ass, broken or just boring etc -- overall something is wrong. ( Especially if you have no sales )

In my case it only takes about 20 mins to make a sale. So, my goal is to build up as many as I can over that. But, I'm currently at 30% over an hour. Lot's more sales the longer on site!
Suggestion two
If your site is loosing them in droves, most leave within 15 sec's or less. It's time to do something and fast. Try some of the following..

Testing the site - load times, images ( most are still on 56 k modems )
Site reviews from guru's - get honest feedback.
Reduce image sizes on home page to less than 80k total if possible.
Make more than one page, OMG too many single pages a mile long!!
Keep in mind - not too many read anymore so keep it simple.

Suggestion three
Check those keywords, descriptions don't target the wrong ones.

Suggestion four
If your selling something from an affiliate program, ask for a test purchase directions or just buy it yourself. Gotta make sure checkout works.

Suggestion five
PPC - if you don't take top 5 spots - forget about it for the most part.
CPC - if they are leaving within 15 sec's your wasting money big time.

My Site
Selling web templates
My CPC is 6.3 currently
I sell 1 / 20-25 uniques
Highly targeted buyers
Many, many return buyers

Little secret
For anyone who wants to know what a competitor is buying in regards to PPC and natural seo keywords etc..www.spyfu.com interesting site, very interesting indeed!

I'm sure others will add too this, pick at it and scramble what I say, but it works for me. You can bring a million uniques to your site but if your not selling your going broke fast if your PPC buyer.

Good luck!
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i had a 4% ctr lat year , but it was to blending for google, after that the ctr dropped to 1%, i tested multiways for teh banners and now i'm back to 4% legaly:)
The point is it is a dynamic business, so you have to play with it all the time.
Learn from other webmasters, if your content is ok it will get higher.
Ok, I'm totally hypnotized by your avatar.. my eyes are glued!


i had a 4% ctr lat year , but it was to blending for google, after that the ctr dropped to 1%, i tested multiways for teh banners and now i'm back to 4% legaly:)
The point is it is a dynamic business, so you have to play with it all the time.
Learn from other webmasters, if your content is ok it will get higher.
I run campaigns where the CTR goes between 16-25% (wide variance due to the appearance of Google Onebox results on some datacenters), and others where my CTR is less than 1%. Both are profitable, so what the above posters said about CTR being a useless metric when not coupled with other information is very true.
For me, I am spoiled and anything that isn't in the 15-25% range isn't acceptable to me. I've been using a template that has given me these results for 2 of my sites, but for a 3rd niche it has only been 3-5%, so it depends on what niche your site is. For MySpace Sites, I know you're lucky if you get even a 2% CTR.
I listened in on one of those beginning Adwords training seminars one time given by Google reps and one of the girls giving the conference stated she tells all of her top clients that you should shoot for a CTR of at least 1%. I personally try to stay at or above 5%, but depending on your niche, sometimes that is just not feasible. Either way, if you are making money, that is the best CTR you can have.
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