What is a hop on clickbank's analytics???


New member
Jul 20, 2009
Hello everyone. I'm a new vendor on ClickBank and I'm still figuring out a lot of thing s about this. The other day I went to check the analytics section in my account and I saw some affiliates in the report. but I have a lot of questions, are they already promoting my product? What does the number of hops means? Are those number the amount of pleople directed to my landing page? I have a page with all the creatives, banners, links, etc. How can I provide that page to the affiliates so they can use the creatives?

I really appreciate your help and advices on the subejct.

Hope to hear from everyone soon.
Good Day:D:D:D

Direct communication with affiliates is not possible at Clickbank. You can announce your product on forums like digitalpoint, but aside from that I suggest you have a link at the bottom of the website called "affiliates" and you put the same link in the marketplace description.

And yeah, hops are the visitors that were directed to your site thru affiliates.
just make sure to promote your page for your affiliates by placing a link at the bottom of your sales letter and link it up to your "Affiliate Success Page"


then cram all your creatives, keywords, links, etc on there.

Added bonus - Add some text that says: Want to make money selling this product - Click here: Add a link with your cb promotion affiliate ID that will take those people who want to begin promoting your product over to clickbank, so that they can sign up and you can make teh monies off the refer. Most visitors looking at your affiliate page will already be cb affiliates but, hey, every little bit counts in this game....

OBEY - get money get paid.