What if...

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Pheasant Heavy Breathing
Mar 14, 2008
You created a site based on an affiliate offer whose payout was paid per unique visitor...then you bought targeted traffic...would this work or would the affiliate drop you for tis sort of thing?


You created a site based on an affiliate offer whose payout was paid per unique visitor...then you bought targeted traffic...would this work or would the affiliate drop you for tis sort of thing?
What the hell kind of affiliate offer pays per unique visitor?
Sorry, I'm just wondering what the pole vaulting chick has to do with this?

Adult affiliate programs ALWAYS work... but the problem is how do you get found in such a crowded market place?
If you're marketing sports porn (i.e. tennis player upskirts), then you're probably getting a niche that isn't totally saturated yet. But I think you'll be hard pressed to make good money out of a porn affiliate simply on the basis that the market is just so crowded already.
I just like to post pics of hot chicks when I ask questions in forums sometimes...to balance out the karma...
I was going to flame you for the shitty ambiguous subject. But that chick is tits so i'll let it go :)

As for your question, you gotta ask the program manager. Some companies would love this, others are just looking for natural traffic not search.
You created a site based on an affiliate offer whose payout was paid per unique visitor...then you bought targeted traffic...would this work or would the affiliate drop you for tis sort of thing?

There's the key point: whether or not the traffic is targeted. In my experience, most affiliate programs could give a shit where traffic comes from, so long as it converts on their end. If you're sending tons of uniques but they're getting zero conversions, they'll probably tell you before long that your traffic source needs to be changed.

But, as always with anything you're unsure of, ask your AM. It's better to have an idea shot down before it begins (or figuring out a way to make it work, preferably) rather than getting it all set up, getting a ton of leads, and getting the dreaded "ZOMG you broke TOS! Which is great, because now we can screw you out of your payment!"

I've been considering trying out a 'pay-per-unique' program, feel free to grab me on aim if you want to chat.
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