
New member
Jul 19, 2010
I'm curious is anybody still doing numbers with Maxbounty, because I heard they whole network got scrubbed by the advertisers. I did over 10k with them last year, and shit just aint converting anymore. I'm fucking getting scrub everytime, and I'm sending quality traffic. WTF!

MaxBounty is awesome. They do pass on your affid to advertisers so if your traffic is garbage, yeah yous gonna get scrubbed.

Stop iframing porn traffic to email submits maybe?
I'm curious is anybody still doing numbers with Maxbounty, because I heard they whole network got scrubbed by the advertisers. I did over 10k with them last year, and shit just aint converting anymore. I'm fucking getting scrub everytime, and I'm sending quality traffic. WTF!

You hit it right on the head. I'm glad you brought this secret society to light. All CPA advertisers in different verticals get together one Tuesday afternoon to conspire against Maxbounty's affiliates by autoscrubbing all your leads.

Dey rapin errbody out here?
Holy shit, you did 10K with them last year. At that Revenue amount, they must have put you on fucking daily wires.

Maxbounty better get in here and clear this up before this whale jumps ship.
another garage network
I had decided to simply lurk in this thread and read it for the lulz, but I couldn't ignore this comment. With all due respect, do you really know what you are talking about? Garage network? Give me a fucking break.


- founded in February 2004. We were one of the first dozen networks in this industry. Before DirectLeads turned itself into DirectTrack and started licencing to anyone with a few grand in their pockets who upgraded with the Cross-Broker feature giving them an instant network full of offers.

- built on custom code. Not DirectTrack, not HitPath, not HasOffers, not LinkTrust, not anything licenced. This gave us the ability to implement things you take for granted like sub-ID tracking and pixel placement before many other networks had that capability.

- Cash-flow and reserves. We've never missed a payment in the 6+ years we've been in business. Ever. Despite the fact that we've lived through the implosion of several verticals and bankrupt merchants not paying their bills (i.e. ringtones, rebills, and anyone that was allowing incentive traffic in '07). You work with us, you know your going to get paid.

- We've been named as one of the top 20 networks in the performance marketing industry. My sig has the link to the rankings. If you take the time to read the methodology on how they came up with the top 20, you'll see it isn't something we paid for (INC 500 anyone?), but was based on many factors - *including* the thoughts of affiliates and merchants who work in this industry. Top 20 out of hundreds of networks out there right now.

- That "we care about affiliates and we give the best rates" boiler-plate stuff you read on just about every network out there? We wrote the fucking script. Many of you in this business are young and have no clue what things were like in the late 90s, early 00's. There were less than a dozen networks and they treated affiliates like ass. They'd ignore all your e-mails and calls, and for that they kept a 50% margin (NO exaggeration). We were affiliates, we were pissed off and knew we could do better for affiliates, and that's exactly what we did. We actually treated affiliates properly WAY BEFORE it was cliched to say you did.

So garage network we are not.

To the OP: your post sure as hell seems like someone trying to raise a fuss because your account was recently terminated for fraudulent activity. Your comment brings to mind the Internet Marketing Quality Axiom: The actual quality of your traffic is inversely proportional to the emphasis with which you claim your traffic is quality. If in fact you weren't terminated, there are many factors that can contribute to lowered conversion, some already mentioned here. But the fact that you didn't talk with your AM, or didn't provide any information here on what you were doing makes it impossible for me to actually provide any explanations or help.
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That blue book was paid advertising BTW revenue magazine listed their advertisers highest to lowest basically. Toby hit me up for months to advertise because we were on the list, when i didnt advertise we no longer made the list.

Go figure.
That blue book was paid advertising BTW revenue magazine listed their advertisers highest to lowest basically. Toby hit me up for months to advertise because we were on the list, when i didnt advertise we no longer made the list.

Go figure.
That's not how it happened with us. We were put on the list in the first edition they released and we had never bought any advertising with them prior to that. Purchasing advertising didn't exactly change our ranking much either.

I certainly know that Brian Littleton hasn't been a top spender in that magazine, and his network has been ranked in the top 2 both times.