What Drives You To Affiliate Marketing Success?

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Wicked Ice

Nov 11, 2007
So what drives you to affiliate marketing success? Money? Freedom? The dark side? What is it? To me it is the freedom that I don't need to wake up and kiss my employers' asses. I hate being told what to do, when to do, and how to do. What about you?

Well..im still in school. So reading wicked fire and testing some of the stuff is like..my hobby i guess? Yah i agree with you, i love the freedom as well. Not that i hate being told what to do, is that i dont have to take the attitude of other people. And im very interested in marketing and stuff so...hehe i wouldnt call this my job yet, but it will soon be :D
Definitely the dark side. The more affiliate success I have, the more Midi-Chlorians get introduced into my blood. Enough Midi-Chlorians and I'll have the power to become darth vader.
I just really enjoy the fact that there is no "base pay." If I had a conventional job, I would earn X per hour or X per year if salary. I just really like the fact that whatever I make is based on how much I work, so everything is up to me, which I like a lot.

I have a well paying day job, so this is just a hobby.

It just seems to suit the way I work, - intense focus on this and then intense focus on something else - always something new to learn - doing something that other people seem to find inscrutable - and now that I am making money it is satisfying the addictive side of my personality as well - no boss - well the list is endless.

The downside is the uncertainty I suppose but once you accept that that is in the nature of the game and you adjust for it by diversifying and learning new things then the sky's the limit. Just don't no one take my internet connection away from me, lol.
i'm a designer and nothing is worst that when a client with a really horrible taste tells you what to do... and this doesn't happen with online marketing cause every decision is backed up by numbers and results.
Complete and absolute freedom; I work for the day that I don't have to work anymore. I've been very succesful so far but there is still so much more money to make.

The affiliate marketing landscape continue to change, for better or for worse, and more and more affiliates will get into the game. Better now to get it while the getting is good.
I like to use my fleshlight whenever needed

I'm using one right now as I post this.

Ohhh Ohhhh looking at your avatar just finished me off. Damn that was good.
here's how i see it..

day job < affiliate marketing < running your own program

nothing beats the security of knowing you have 100% control.
I like my day job. It's sweet, I work with some great guys building a quality website. I work from home. I enjoy my work and they pay me ok.

However, we made some stupid credit mistakes when we were kids ( ie, your age, for most of you young punks...get off my lawn) and my wife _hates_ _hates_ _hates_ her job. ( She's in phone customer service for a large multinational bank. She's terrific at customer service but it drains her something fierce and she's not the happy glowing person I know she can be).

I can't get paid enough hourly so she could stay home from her job. I need to separate working hourly from getting paid. This seems to be the right path for that. /shrug/ I need to
1) increase monthly income (without "finding a new job" )
2) decrease monthly outgo (paying off some of those credit bills )
3) build a cushion between eating now and paying the mortgage and
4) establish a level of security that having X money coming in per month could result in the worst case happening and me losing my job.

As I've said in other threads, I've been around the Internet a few times. I'm a PHP programmer and a linux system administrator. I should be able to come up with a way to make some money here bouts.

I don't need to be rich. I'd settle for "upper middle class." ( But then, 100K/year doesn't mean much if you're spending 100K on bills, does it? ). My wife and I love to travel, I'd like to do more of that. Don't need to be a jet-setter. Just a trip now and then. I'd like to have some parts of this house fixed.

So what's driving me? Wanting my wife to be happy which will result in a more relaxed atmosphere here.

I'd be happy if I had a spike of $50000 somehow and I could pay off some bills and store some for the future. Failing that, I need to earn another $2500/monthly for at least two years.
argh01, get creative... think outside the box... if you're a good php coder make some training videos ;) i guarantee people would pay for them if you do it / market it right (ie: rank for the right keywords)... i know they would. :)
I love marketing. The process of discovering new markets, learning how people in those markets think, figuring out their needs, desires and problems and then finding solutions that yield ongoing profit...

I never tire of this stuff.

I'm not netting $100,000 a month from affiliate marketing like a few of you. But, I'm netting a comfortable full-time income (not too shabby for living in Southern California).

Of course, I can only study markets, ads, landers and spreadsheets for so long before going completely bonkers (which is one of the reasons I write).

But, as for what drives me... the marketing process and the money that makes life nice.
argh01, get creative... think outside the box... if you're a good php coder make some training videos ;) i guarantee people would pay for them if you do it / market it right (ie: rank for the right keywords)... i know they would. :)


I can hear the monologue now ...

"ok now we're going to split the url into domain and subdomain... type split and then ... wait, why is it doing that? Oh yeah, need to escape the dot... ok now we need a strpos ... what the hell is that order again? haystack/needle? backspace a few hundred times, type in strpos paranthesis, open new window, go to php.net/strpos ...

Sounds exciting.
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