What does your work day look like?

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Jun 25, 2006
New Hampshire, USA
Most days I get up at 8-9am.. and work until around 12-2am. I grab a coffee around 9:30.. then start coding. Take a few breaks to rock out on the guitfiddle or sometimes take a afternoon off to go chill with friends.

Work Work Work ;]~


Getup at 4:45 AM
5:00 - 10:00 AM Work
10:00 - 12:00 Break and Shit
12:00 PM - 10:00 PM Work with Dinner thrown somewhere in there, and few breaks here and there.
10:00 Sleep

That's what I try to do, it works out most of the time - but sometimes it doesn't.
Get up at 10.00 AM and start all computers.

10.00 - 11.00 Read an replies to all mails.
11.00 - 12.00 Have something to eat
12.00 - 3.00 Doing the daily work, like planning, taking calls and so on.
3.00 - 10.00 Hanging out with my girlfriend, playing basketball and just enjoying life.
10.00 - 12.00 Forum posting, writing in my blog and such

Thats about what I do all day.

Andreas Bard said:
Get up at 10.00 AM and start all computers.

10.00 - 11.00 Read an replies to all mails.
11.00 - 12.00 Have something to eat
12.00 - 3.00 Doing the daily work, like planning, taking calls and so on.
3.00 - 10.00 Hanging out with my girlfriend, playing basketball and just enjoying life.
10.00 - 12.00 Forum posting, writing in my blog and such

Thats about what I do all day.


that sounds like my kind of day!
I get up around seven

Get outta bed around nine

And I don't worry about nothin' no

Cause worryin's a waste of my...time

The show usually starts around seven

We go on stage around nine

Get on the bus about eleven

Sippin' a drink and feelin' fine

Now I get up around whenever

I used ta get up on time

But that old man

he's a real muthafucker

Gonna kick him on down the line
John said:
I get up around seven

Get outta bed around nine

And I don't worry about nothin' no

Cause worryin's a waste of my...time

The show usually starts around seven

We go on stage around nine

Get on the bus about eleven

Sippin' a drink and feelin' fine

Now I get up around whenever

I used ta get up on time

But that old man

he's a real muthafucker

Gonna kick him on down the line

Mr. Brownstone...

Thank you Axl. :pimp:

My Summer Schedule

wake up around 10:00/11:00


2:00-take a shower, get fresh

3-9-hang out with the homies in the neighborhood; that usually includes some drinking,smoking, dips at the pool,finding news chicks to bone...ya know summertime fun

10-another shower

11-5am- work on my sites untill I pass out, that usually happens around 5am

This good life last until I go back to school in the Fall.
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