What does it mean when an offer I am promoting is forwarded to something new?

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New member
Aug 30, 2007
I've just noticed that an offer I've been promoting for the past week is now forwarded to a different offer with an ostensibly different advertiser.

I was promoting an offer about which my AM emailed me the other day and which had higher payout than the offer that I was originally promoting. Now I find that it's forwarding to a similar offer that is not even listed within the network's offer/campaign list. Since I've not yet seen any conversions, I don't even know what the payout is.

I've emailed my AM, but it's after hours and was very curious about this.

Thanks in advance for any insight.

Well sometime it does happen to me too. Normally this happen if the existing offer expired or facing some difficulties etc. So to make sure that all traffics are handle correctly rather being sent to an ERROR page they will redirect to another similar offer instead.
Yeah, but usually I get an email announcing the expiration of the offer, maybe the interim redirect setup or something with a higher payout. This time I received no announcement and the "new" offer is not even listed on the network's available campaign list.

Plus, I'm not seeing any hits to the offer, although I can see them through P202.

Thanks for the response.
Sinewave that doesn't make much sense. I'm not really sure technically how that would work. In hitpath and dt I think if you can't see the campaign it's on private and you need to be approved for it to run it. So it would definately show up in your stats and campaign interface I'd think. The only other thing I could think of is they discontinued the campaign and then redirected to something that you don't get credit for, for some reason. Can you see if it's carrying your affid through in the url's?
I've just noticed that an offer I've been promoting for the past week is now forwarded to a different offer with an ostensibly different advertiser.

I was promoting an offer about which my AM emailed me the other day and which had higher payout than the offer that I was originally promoting. Now I find that it's forwarding to a similar offer that is not even listed within the network's offer/campaign list. Since I've not yet seen any conversions, I don't even know what the payout is.

I've emailed my AM, but it's after hours and was very curious about this.

Thanks in advance for any insight.
Hi Sinewave,

It is quite possible the end merchant was having problems with the offer and instead of redirecting to a dead page, they decided to redirect to a different offer. This most likely would have been done without the network knowing, as the network probably would have rebranded the campaign.

Whether you get credit or not depends on the end merchant. Sometimes they carry through the network pixel, sometimes not.

Bring this up with your network tomorrow and they should be able to get things straightened out for you.
@Smax: Thanks! I appreciate your input. I agree it doesn't make much sense. I'm a little miffed about seeing all of the traffic (significant for me) and suddently no conversions. The offer was converting well for me before.

@Steve: It was MaxBounty in this case. I notice that I've got the traffic, but suddenly no conversions. Previously I was doing well (for me) so it was a disappointment. Plus, I was running an offer that was suggested by my AM.

In any case, thanks everyone for your advice.
If the offer expired or had a daily cap, why was I not notified prior to committing a promotional budget? There is not such information available on the network or in the daily emails.

I've spent nowhere near the funds that OP on the Hydra thread spent. I'm a small fish by comparison. but is it such a surprise that resources (time and money) are committed to promote these ostensibly available offers? Only to find that they're shuffled into somewhere that is "untrackable"?

Oh, suddenly because they didn't plan the campaign is suddenly off and the links are redirected to an unaccountable offer? What about affiliates' planning? Seriously, are these advertiser that much worse in risk management and planning than me?

Sorry. and thanks.
Hey sinewave.....happened to me with MAX think now about twice. Of course i pmed my AM about it and it got solved meaning i went with a different offer. Talked to them via AIM and they said the same thing the Steve said. Nevertheless i was reccommended a better offer so i didnt really push it.
@Steve: It was MaxBounty in this case. I notice that I've got the traffic, but suddenly no conversions. Previously I was doing well (for me) so it was a disappointment. Plus, I was running an offer that was suggested by my AM.

Hey Sinewave, can you e-mail me the details? None of our campaigns have hit cap, and anytime we expire a campaign, the redirect is to a campaign that is visible in your stats, and more importantly, going to get you credit for leads that are created.

I think there was a merchant screwup and I'd like to get it fixed.

Thank you.
I just wanted to say thanks to Steve and Adam for getting to the bottom of this. Turns out the advertiser redirected the offer to something that was not on the same network.

Unbelievable. Goes to show you how unaware advertisers can be regarding from where and how they're getting those leads and sales in the first place.
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