What does it mean if my CTR is low?

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New member
Apr 28, 2008
Being a complete newbie at this game, I'm currently testing my first advertizing campaign, using Yahoo because I've heard from a number of sources it's a great place to start. I'm very pleased with it, the information contained is quite good.

However, I've noticed that my CTR is very low. One of my 2 campaigns has had 48 impressions since yesterday (I had some very specific longtail keywords for this one, so not surprised by this) but no clicks. My other campaign, for which I have around 100 keywords, a mix of long and short tail, has a CTR of 0.61% with over 1100 impressions.

Does this mean my ads suck? Should I be offering to pay more per click? The two keywords which have given me the most clicks are the ones where I'm in the lowest position (5-6 as opposed to 2-3 with my other ads). I'm pretty sure I'm targeting the right key words and phrases so I don't think that's the problem, but I would be open to any advice. Thanks!

edit: I'm also only using sponsored search, no content match.

Yeah, it probably means your ads suck. Try getting people more excited to click on your link with proper wording.
Thanks, I was pretty sure that's what it would be, but I just wanted to make sure I hadn't missed something else that may have been the reason for it.

Are there any good guides to writing a proper ad? I've been reading a bunch of threads about failed campaigns and reading the advice given there, but if someone has a straight link solid resource that would help me tremendously.
Sorry Ben, you're going to have to let me know how to check that, I'm too much of a newbie to know what that means.
low CRT is usually a combination of:

- ad copy quality
- low possition in the result search

For the ad copy issue just try copying your competition word for word
or serious split testing untilyou have an ad that works

For low possition just raise your bid (cause raising your quality score takes some time)

But you have to look after several thousand impressions to know, not 48 or 100

Try the generic terms. Waste some cash where you''ll have a negative ROI and see which ads work, then put those ads back in the long tail
Thanks, I'm definitely going to take your advice.

I really like the idea of going after the generic terms to see which ones work, thanks!

I realise with the site with 48 impressions having actual data is basically hopeless. I'm more concerned with the one with a CTR of less than one percent after thousands of impressions.
Sorry Ben, you're going to have to let me know how to check that, I'm too much of a newbie to know what that means.
There's a bar under your ads which rates how relevant your ads are in relation to your keywords in yahoo. Try to aim for 4/5 if not 5/5. It'll give you more impressions.
There's a bar under your ads which rates how relevant your ads are in relation to your keywords in yahoo. Try to aim for 4/5 if not 5/5. It'll give you more impressions.
Oh, perfect, thanks... I've found the quality index, but it says "not available" for all of my ads.
so, is the Yahoo best place to start for PPC noobs? I haven't tried myself in PPC, but willing to try. So, Yahoo is the best place for me? I heard Google CN is pretty good, even for noobs
noone clicking through

It means that very few people are clicking through to view your website basically.
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