What do YOU want to do before you die?

1. Have sex with a tranny
2. Shoot heroin
3. Moderate WickedFire
4. Commit multiple felonies
5. Visit Thailand
6. Live in Las Vegas
7. Host my own web TV show

Other than sex w/ tranny & committing felonies, the rest wont be as enjoyable as one might think
1. Retire all governments; replace them with AnCap society.

2. Colonize the moon, Venus, Mars, and Titan.

3. Discover the cures for death and pain.

4. Build a Dyson sphere around the solar system. Or perhaps just a ringworld, if I'm running out of time.

5. Fuckit, the first four would probably be enough. I guess I should leave something for you guys anyway.
Doing it right now, but if I had to pick things I am not doing that would also be cool,

I would like to find NickyCakes old inkjet printer and go into direct competition with the US Federal Reserve as he did back in 2002.

Also, I would like to have my soul digitized and launched into outerspace on a blue ray disc.

It might also be cool to start a family if I can find a woman of good breeding stock who will suffer my ill temper, foul language and general disfigurements to make it happen.

But seriously, I am already doing it all right now...