What do you use to track your display media buys?

Absolutely Mike

New member
May 20, 2007

So I know Tracking202 is great for PPC tracking, but is there a solution for tracking media buys? I'm thinking I can just do the same thing with Tracking202. If not, I'm trying to think of a way to do it with an adserver. What do you think?

OpenX + Prosper202 is what I use.

When making ads just set the URL as http://www.yourdomain/?t202kw=ad_green_1 or whatever you need to be able to get stats.

Then use tracking202 to determine what ad gets the best EPC and optimize OpenX accordingly.

Also make sure your server can easily handle both, I've had some issues with VPS's handling the load but dropping traffic.

Get a dedicated box or even two depending on traffic levels.
OpenX + Prosper202 is what I use.

When making ads just set the URL as http://www.yourdomain/?t202kw=ad_green_1 or whatever you need to be able to get stats.

Then use tracking202 to determine what ad gets the best EPC and optimize OpenX accordingly.

Also make sure your server can easily handle both, I've had some issues with VPS's handling the load but dropping traffic.

Get a dedicated box or even two depending on traffic levels.

That's what I was thinking. If there is nothing better (not that it's a pain) this is what I'll do.
I've used adshuffle and lets be honest, its the most organized piece of software made, I mean it works well, but OpenX works just as well for me, and I bought 2 plugins for it, one auto optimizes based on CTR and the 2nd gives me real time stats.

So in all OpenX cost me $200, and a monthly server and that's it. and I have the server anyway so, bada bing bada boom.
That's actually right. I use adshuffle with their exchange. BTW, they consolidated their staff recently, but signed a 2 year deal to resell the Appnexus exchange.

So would I be right in assuming it might be cheaper to go direct to nexus and buy off them and just use adsuffles cheap as chips ad server?
So would I be right in assuming it might be cheaper to go direct to nexus and buy off them and just use adsuffles cheap as chips ad server?

Appnexus has a monthly fee. I've been quoted 10K - 20K per month, plus they are just building an adserver so Adshuffle is a better platform. I negotiated a low cpm to use Adshuffle and a have a really good AM handling the account.
Appnexus has a monthly fee. I've been quoted 10K - 20K per month, plus they are just building an adserver so Adshuffle is a better platform. I negotiated a low cpm to use Adshuffle and a have a really good AM handling the account.

Who is your AM? I have Katie Callahan managing mine however she rarely replies to my messages.
Open X might be good if your just doing your own properties, doing small time shit on partner site, or allows a mediabuy target to bill you off their stats ( major fuck up btw ).

If you wanna get serious and actually do it right, bill off your own numbers. If you do this with Open X, you'll be laughed at and ignored like the dweeb you are.

OpenX = small time players getting rape'd off others billing numbers
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We use Zedo cause it's acceptable to bill off our it's numbers from many ad networks. But if you're not serving more than $1000 worth of impressions a month then OpenX should be just fine.
IMO a lot of 'needs' are really varied.

For instance- are you locking up individual placements and need something with automatic optimization but kludgy interfaces or steep fees? Are you buying direct or through DSP's or Networks?

Are you running only on a CPM? Where/how much are you buying and from whom where numbers and being able to bill off yours is critical, OR is at a small/moderate scale feature set which you may not have/be able to build in house more important?

In my opinion/experience there's no 'right' answer, and with changes to display as quickly in the last 6-12 months it's vitally more important to REALLY understand the inventory you're buying, exactly where/what it is, how it's 'flowing' (since everyone and their mother is now an exchange, white labeling/reselling someone elses exchange/DSP, publishing shit through a ton of channels, etc etc etc.

The biggest downside to this is the bull$hit, which again to this point will make or break you, OR allow someone with a amateurish setup to win when some exchange tells you that X creative or Y landing page or Z product/offer isn't allowed on A inventory when in reality if you go around them, the exchange they're re-selling AND the display network this is going through and to the publisher they're FINE with what you want to run.

See some of those ads and wonder "wonder how party A got ad X on THAT site!??!"


Not necessarily just being able to bill off Zedo. However to others points about getting raped on billing off others numbers this is correct, you will, you just need to figure out the percentage b/c failing w/ technology could be 200-300% deltas where billing may only be 20-30%.

Just my opinion/food for thought
IMO a lot of 'needs' are really varied.

For instance- are you locking up individual placements and need something with automatic optimization but kludgy interfaces or steep fees? Are you buying direct or through DSP's or Networks?

Are you running only on a CPM? Where/how much are you buying and from whom where numbers and being able to bill off yours is critical, OR is at a small/moderate scale feature set which you may not have/be able to build in house more important?

In my opinion/experience there's no 'right' answer, and with changes to display as quickly in the last 6-12 months it's vitally more important to REALLY understand the inventory you're buying, exactly where/what it is, how it's 'flowing' (since everyone and their mother is now an exchange, white labeling/reselling someone elses exchange/DSP, publishing shit through a ton of channels, etc etc etc.

The biggest downside to this is the bull$hit, which again to this point will make or break you, OR allow someone with a amateurish setup to win when some exchange tells you that X creative or Y landing page or Z product/offer isn't allowed on A inventory when in reality if you go around them, the exchange they're re-selling AND the display network this is going through and to the publisher they're FINE with what you want to run.

See some of those ads and wonder "wonder how party A got ad X on THAT site!??!"


Not necessarily just being able to bill off Zedo. However to others points about getting raped on billing off others numbers this is correct, you will, you just need to figure out the percentage b/c failing w/ technology could be 200-300% deltas where billing may only be 20-30%.

Just my opinion/food for thought

what is a delta?