What do you think of this niche?


New member
Mar 20, 2012
What do you guys think about an Aspergers awareness niche. I noticed these blue lights everywhere and when I looked it up there was a ton of trending news about Autism Awareness. Is there a lot of competition here and would it be difficult to monetize?

I think it's an interesting niche to start out with. What specific products are you hoping to promote in that niche?
I haven't worked with specific products just yet. I just thought the idea up and wanted to see if it might be worth spending some time on. I suppose there would be safety products, educational products, eBooks and anything a parent of an Autistic child might need.
What do you guys think about an Aspergers awareness niche. I noticed these blue lights everywhere and when I looked it up there was a ton of trending news about Autism Awareness. Is there a lot of competition here and would it be difficult to monetize?

Awesome idea, thanks Mack ;)
Come up with a monetization strategy before just jumping in. A quick search shows 250k+ combined exact monthly searches for the main few aspergers keywords, so there are searches, but where's the money?

Before you go creating a site to pitch some Amazon books or create your own ebook, think about that aspect. The competition is high so you should probably find a more profitable product/service if you want to survive. Adsense certainly isn't the answer here.

Do you know anyone with any form of Autism? See what it's like in real life and think about how you could help. You can try the "prey on parents who will do anything for their child" trick, but also realize that a child with Autism brings a lot of extra expenses, so your product better be worthwhile if you want it to make the cut.
Yeah, there is this hot chick who lives next door, her son has aspergers. I think you are right, I think this needs more research and a business profit model before I can make any moves on it. I think there IS money in it, but figuring out the angle is the puzzle.
Awesome idea, thanks Mack ;)

I was just kidding in the above comment. But seriously, you don't want to set off a lightbulb is someone's head and invite competition.

I think it's an excellent idea for a site. It looks like it would do well with Adsense. There's tons of keyword variations, and interest in the topic is growing everyday.

I didn't check the competition, but I bet it's not too bad.

I would let this thread roll off the first page. If you want me to elaborate on any of the above points, feel free to PM me.

But if you're interested in this topic, I would urge you to strive for top quality content. Your readers deserve it.

Good luck. :thumbsup:
Before you go creating a site to pitch some Amazon books or create your own ebook, think about that aspect. The competition is high so you should probably find a more profitable product/service if you want to survive. Adsense certainly isn't the answer here.

Hi Elvis,
How can you tell that the competition is high ? where do you look ? Thanks !
I too advise against publicly outing your niche. There are a lot of lurkers who have probably just registered aspergerswareness.com.

Reminds me of a time I discovered a pond that had a water lily invasion. It was teeming with dragon-flies. Those really big ones. One would be enough for the day and there were a few hundred at least, I went to the communal gathering and casually mentioned that I was thinking of moving to a new pond I'd seen and I foolishly told them where it was. The next day, my wife, the tadpoles and I made our way to the pond and to our dismay, a few dozen African bullfrogs had already colognised the place and eaten all the dragon flies.
Hi Elvis,
How can you tell that the competition is high ? where do you look ? Thanks !

Look at the quantity and quality of the websites that are showing up in Google for the main search terms. A tool like SerpIQ will make it easier and faster, but you can do it manually or with free tools like the SEO Quake toolbar.