What do you think about video email?

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Uber Rex
Jun 26, 2006
I've been heairng more and more talk about this but still can't figure out who the hell would want it.


rex_b said:
I've been heairng more and more talk about this but still can't figure out who the hell would want it.


Video email as in sending a video of yourself talking through email? Or just attaching a video file?
This is the first I've heard anything about it. Do you have a link explaining the benefits?
Sending emails of yourself talking.

The talk is just more and more people have broadband, so why not send video.
Yeah, I don't really see that catching on. People have never really wanted video phones (webcams aside), not sure they'd want this either.

I could see the porn industry using it though. :p
It would be cool to use for birthdays or special occasions. Not too sure about business applications though.
I suppose it is a natural extension of video texts on 3g cell phones

Video calling always sounds horrific to me; the thought that you get answer the phone and forget to turn the camera off when you dont want the other person to see what you are / are not wearing, who is with you, that you haven't done the washing up or whatever
JDA said:
People have never really wanted video phones

This sounds surprising, are you sure about that ?!

Anyway, I don't think it'll be the next big thing, but it could find it's audience.
I don't like these video emails, one of the best parts about email - in my book - is that you don't need to see and hear other people.
God, the spam mail of that would be so bad.

I'd probably never check my email again.
WallaceCleaver said:
This seems like a good idea for people in the army, but in any other situation I don't think that it will be used that often.

This was my first thought as well - army and all the other situations where you're far from your relatives and loved ones. I can totally see the appeal of video email in those areas.
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