What do you spend yearly on domain names renewals?

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New member
Oct 8, 2006
I'm spending a little over $1,200 for 123 domain names over 4 different registrars. I hope to consolidate them all to one reliable registrar soon. All the domain names are 3 words (phrases) or less, no hyphens, all .com's except for 1 .info. So I am pretty picky on domain names.

I expect that cost to rise as I register about 2 domain names a month on the average. I very seldom buy them on the market.

I suspect that my domain costs are tiny compared to others...$1,200 isn't anything.

First year in this, started in May
$112 (that included one domain as a gift), but I make pennies right now, so income/expense ratio is off balance now.

I don't want to be mean here Jan... but you've been on this forum for months and are still making pennies. Maybe it's time to polish up the reading glasses, read a few of chris lingus' threads and don't come back until you actually make some $.
engaged, that is not the holiday spirit! she might not have the time or money to do more. Maybe she is working on organic traffic for her blogs about stuff she likes, managed care and stuff like that. she might not yet be ready to expand! although she should, she would not need 5 jobs and would have time to work on becoming a drunk or something! haha

as for domain spends, think around 3 to 5k in 2007 for new domains and about that for renewals
Banned from? Adsense, Google index, ....... ?

If just banned from the index and you have some solid .com's I may think about snatching a few up.
If the domain has not made me much money that year or is a shit domain I just let it go, no point renewing domains that make me shit
Domains are like pens do you reall keep track :xomunch:

(Other than for tax purposes ;) )
Domains are like pens do you reall keep track :xomunch:

(Other than for tax purposes ;) )

most of my domains are registered with a purpose or idea in mind. so every now and then i like to take an inventory across all registrars and see how development is going on each...refocus myself.
It's around $250 or so for renewals but 'll dump some of them as they aren't working for me.
I don't want to be mean here Jan... but you've been on this forum for months and are still making pennies. Maybe it's time to polish up the reading glasses, read a few of chris lingus' threads and don't come back until you actually make some $.

It sounds like you'd like all us noobs to stay lurking from the shadows! :) Have you always been prejudice against people who don't make money? Did Jon start having income requirements to post now, and I was not informed?

chrislingle said:
engaged, that is not the holiday spirit! she might not have the time or money to do more. Maybe she is working on organic traffic for her blogs about stuff she likes, managed care and stuff like that. she might not yet be ready to expand! although she should, she would not need 5 jobs and would have time to work on becoming a drunk or something! haha

Chrislingle you have obviously not only read some of my posts but have retained some of the information. How did you know my goal is to have more time to work on becoming a drunk? :)
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Never once did I say you can't post or anything close to that. You aren't very good at taking criticism. You'd think, being a grandma, you'd have the life experiences to take a bit. If you don't want to accept the fact that you just aren't trying that hard and rather post here than make some arbitrage sites, etc., that is fine, continue posting away.

It sounds like you'd like all us noobs to stay lurking from the shadows! Have you always been prejudice against people who don't make money? Did Jon start having income requirements to post now, and I was not informed?
About $150.

99% of my domains get banned within a few months, so there's no point in renewing. :D

Now if you want to talk about domains PURCHASED per year... that's completely different.
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