What do you guys think of my plan?


New member
Nov 7, 2010
San Francisco
So, I have a contract software job through the end of February, and I decided that...hey, I'm 29, I've made really shotty initial efforts at getting into IM in the past, and well, its time to do it for real.

Been reading up on tons of info (I know over-consumption of info...bad). Right now my main goals are (by Feb 16 2014, ~2 weeks from now):
1. finish watching the videos of "Traffic & Conversion Summit 2010" (yeah, old, but heard its a good summit and I'm learning things anyway, like "oh what does banner retargeting mean?" and then look it up and learn like that, even if strategies are outdated). I'm also at work reading some of trafficandconversionsummitnotes.com | the notes from 2013 summit (and soon 2014 when he gets em out) while I'm at the office
2. look at an offer my friend told me converts super well that does a couple of upsells after you buy the initial 2 dollar product, and fully understand their sales funnel and video marketing and website, look at where their ads come from, etc.

I'll stick around Seattle for the month of March, no job, just studying and doing this stuff, before moving out to the city of sin, Las Vegas, where I have a good buddy in the IM scene, and buncha other people I know who do a lot in the IM world. (Vegas is cheaper and "you are the avg of the 5 ppl you are around" -- I actually know people in this shit but I don't here in Seattle, I assume its a little bit of a bonus...)

I think I could live for about a year on my current savings (~32k right now, could hit close to 37k I think by the time I'm outta here), so that plus the hopeful unemployment I can get from here, I believe I can live it out on a year, if not more.

I plan to pay ~$600 in rent (may have another friend doing the same sorta move so we'd split a solid apt out there for $1200), most likely keep health insurance for $300/mo, shitty car insurance of ~$100/mo, may join a BJJ gym again to avoid being bored in the gym (so $100-$200/mo haven't checked their prices out there yet), $200 or so for student loans, and some dough for food. So think I can keep it sub-$2000, if not that $2500 fo sho, I'm pretty simple and don't have a family.

At that point its workaholics anonymous time, plus meditation, gym (or jiu jitsu), and going out 1-2 nights a week (I don't drink and can get in clubs weeknights for free), the bare minimum to blow off some steam and get some action.

What would you guys say is my current (pseudo) plan of action's flaws? My guesses are
1. you don't actually know what business model you're going to go for (correct, I was thinking content marketing a la copyblogger.com but my IM friend says to go with paid traffic to some sort of offer -- so hence why I'm learning the traffic/conversion stuff right now)
2. I'm not super familiar with how to research niches and markets, I guess researching the offer my friend told me to backwards engineer for now will help me understand that market (one which made me lol for sure when I realized how genius it was, though I'd never ever have thought to get into that stuff as a consumer)
3. not having a dayjob means paid traffic will scare me a bit, I may be prone to over-caution
4. I'm particularly bad at goal setting, even that "goal" I set above (setting the 2 week date on consuming that info plus backwards engineering the offer and site, was hard for me to set, heh), so this is clearly a thing I'll have to work at while on the start of my IM journey
5. I have various thoughts of "backup plan" like "should I spend time up front figuring out how to get software freelance jobs?" vs "I'll just get a job at a PPC or affiliate marketing firm if I start to run out of cash" vs "just get a (less crappy, e.g. web app development in Rails not Java) software job if I start to run out of cash"...not sure if I should even bother with this?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I will be starting a log once I have an actual idea to execute on, to stay accountable.

sell it as an info product on WarriorForum.


Feb 3 2014

I just kinda broke down all the components of the "very successful landing page" I was looking through to learn all about this stuff, and the biggest question I have is...

Is there a good way of finding out where their traffic comes from? SpyFu seems to for free let you figure out if there are any Google AdWords keywords (the LP they have looks too salesy I think for Google to like it, from what I understand, anyways). It says they didn't see any AdWords keywords pointing there and the top keywords for the site are on page 2 of Google, so SEO is obviously not it either.

WhatRunsWhere and SpyFu seem to be "competitive intelligence" sites, wondering if there's any actual way to learn where they're getting traffic...or is it pretty much impossible to figure out since a lot of it will be email lists and stuff like that? I googled the url and found some links from facebook and stuff, so I guess I can look thru the long ass URL string to check that these are just affiliates or what. Err, guess I can look to see if this is offered in clickbank, that'd tell me its a good-converting offer taht they just let affiliates figure out how to get them traffic for...

Anyway, time to sleep and get back to it tomorrow
Why do you say that CCarter? I thought they love to buy IM products o'er there? Seems like if I'm taking the time to understand someone else's working campaign then maybe that's of value to newer noobs than me, no?

You are cannibalizing yourself. Instead of taking the 'well converting offer' and striking while the iron is hot, you are wasting time trying to sell it off to Wafo? You are also shooting yourself in the foot giving your method away? So instead of banking off a method for the long term, you are wasting time becoming a 'guru' for some short term gain, while at the same time inviting more competition with what seems to be the only working method you have?

Let me put it in simpler terms... If you know there is a gold mine, what would be the most profitable venture? To sell everyone a map to the gold mine, OR mine the gold yourself? You're answer will determine whether you succeed and how far you get in this 'thing of ours'... so choose wisely.

P.S. Also, you are thinking about outting someone else's method/niche that was given to you, in which I can only assume was out of trust... so yeah, there is that...​
You are cannibalizing yourself. Instead of taking the 'well converting offer' and striking while the iron is hot, you are wasting time trying to sell it off to Wafo? You are also shooting yourself in the foot giving your method away? So instead of banking off a method for the long term, you are wasting time becoming a 'guru' for some short term gain, while at the same time inviting more competition with what seems to be the only working method you have?

Let me put it in simpler terms... If you know there is a gold mine, what would be the most profitable venture? To sell everyone a map to the gold mine, OR mine the gold yourself? You're answer will determine whether you succeed and how far you get in this 'thing of ours'... so choose wisely.

P.S. Also, you are thinking about outting someone else's method/niche that was given to you, in which I can only assume was out of trust... so yeah, there is that...​

Gotcha, I see what you're sayin'.

I guess you helped me notice a few assumptions
1. there would be some factor that I wouldn't be able to fully replicate the system... (one would be an extremely high $$$ investment, there's also one other reason, but that doesn't mean I couldn't copy it 90%...). This may be a fully mistaken assumption, and one I'll discover soon enough.
2. It wasn't his funnel, and he told me about it as if it were "somewhat well known" but if that's the case I'd have to ask him why its not copied by many others? (Its hosted on the same site as the blog/authority site with content from people "in that community" but apparently they've run these kinds of offers for quite a while, and only recently started the authority site.)
3. That my MAIN GOAL right now is understanding how an entire system even works, and this whole concept of how "I'm adding value" is still...getting there, in my head. I'm sure at a certain point it'll make so much sense that I can't not start implementing/copying their actual offer in a non-spammy way or just the formula in general.

Thanks CCarter

The biggest thing I see here is the fact that you're under control.

It may appear messed up (mainly because of your lack of using the ENTER key) - but it is spot on.

Also, be a marketer first and forget all about being a Guru. Not all Gurus are successful. Outing is not cool. And stay away from anything else which leaves you in two thoughts about your growth strategy.

You have a skill to back you up... so you'll never STARVE.

I am eager to see your journey. Go ahead. Take the plunge. Don't worry about regrets. If you haven't regretted, you haven't lived.

You are cannibalizing yourself. Instead of taking the 'well converting offer' and striking while the iron is hot, you are wasting time trying to sell it off to Wafo? You are also shooting yourself in the foot giving your method away? So instead of banking off a method for the long term, you are wasting time becoming a 'guru' for some short term gain, while at the same time inviting more competition with what seems to be the only working method you have?

Let me put it in simpler terms... If you know there is a gold mine, what would be the most profitable venture? To sell everyone a map to the gold mine, OR mine the gold yourself? You're answer will determine whether you succeed and how far you get in this 'thing of ours'... so choose wisely.

P.S. Also, you are thinking about outting someone else's method/niche that was given to you, in which I can only assume was out of trust... so yeah, there is that...​

Yeah one of my buddies is doing that right now. Can't figure out why he is. Whatever though, he is free to do what he wants.

It seems like the height of stupidity to out something that's making you tons of $$$.
Haha, cool, thanks for the comments, guys.

Challenge #1
I can clearly tell that the biggest challenge for me will be committing to a particular method/course of action. Am definitely committed to business and "make money online" right now, though listening to different people who all know better than I, seem to tell me different things.

That's the challenge #1 for me, deciding upon and sticking to an approach.

I think the solution to this challenge/problem is to stay flexible for now and assume there's going to be a period of learning. I have til end of February of "working around the job" -- what I've done is started a Excel spreadsheet where I track "where is my focus today." So far it was 3 days on copyblogger.com "content marketing" approach til my friend K said to watch the T&C stuff, then 4 days of watching T&C stuff, then now my other friend has sold me on doing media buying and making $1000/day with it.

I'll keep tracking "where is my focus" day to day, so at the very least, after 30 days, if I see I'm switching shit up every 3-4 days on this longer-term basis, that will obviously be a problem that has to stop.

What's good right now though is I'm seeing lots of opportunities.

CCarter's 3000th post
One thing that's helped a lot is I started reading CCarter's 3000th post last night, on Traffic Leaks:

His comments on creativity being super important stuck out to me. After reading some of that stuff last night and waking up today in the morning, most of my writing in my journal (I keep a personal journal and write in it usual 5-15 minutes a day, occasionally as long as an hour) focused on realizing all the opportunities out there, realizing things like "Oh my little brother is doing med school, a friend is trying to get into med school, that's a huge 'problem' for these guys...get them on a mailing list and have new med school students write content/articles on there to create the email sequences, etc." And then 4 years later those prospects if still on the list turn into potential customers for products for getting board certified, and then years later, malpractice insurance and i dunno maybe "start your own practice stop working for others" products, etc.

That's some good big picture long-term thinking there that his post helped me to realize and start to see more possibilities (developing optimism).

Affiliate Marketing buddy
Another friend who does pretty well with AM has told me to do media buying and told me what stuff he's currently working at learning, sent me off to some "free guides" and newsletter that he says is good. Said to aim, with media buying, to aim at making what I currently make with my job, and then to aim for hitting $1000/day regularly, before getting into longer-term kinds of online stuff such as building sites where I look for organic traffic. Paid traffic, he says. Which I guess my initial friend was also a fan of in terms of trying to copy the existing site (which I found out has an affiliate program and probably gets their traffic from affiliates...).

I've also started attuning to advertising around me, real world and online. I went to B&N after work yesterday to just look at magazines and look for direct-response ads. Cosmo seems to have had none, but I noticed when their content caught even my attention...by making shit personal.

Forbes magazine had a TON of direct response ads to veterans for franchises...and that was most of their direct-response ads. I guess its cool to see "Oh another group of people that have specific problems as a group and can be marketed to." (Still feels a little "sleazy" to say "marketed to" or "sold to" but I guess all groups of people WANT TO buy *something* so I have to keep remembering that.)

Challenge #2
As you can probs tell my 2nd challenge will be taking consistent action over reading and just understanding stuff. I *KNOW* that I can read a ton of stuff, become extremely knowledgeable in theory, and I could do this for an entire year without doing anything, and I'd still see more info or areas of online stuff that I could learn about in theory. And I don't want that to happen.

Instead I want to *do* the right things to finally *make a decision* about how I'm going to do it.

For some reason I think I need more information right now, to do this.

Well I just found out I had no clue what I was talking about...apparently Google AdWords ppc prices are way off from other traffic sources, so affiliate marketing seems more reasonable to get started in. I'm going to start reading this guide and at least run 1 small test this week.

Solution to this challenge:
Take a small piece of action every day.

sorry for the tl;dr duders -- is there a better spot for journal-y type threads btw?