what do you guys/gals think of

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New member
Jul 7, 2006
North Carolina
What did or do you think of the concept of the million dollar home page? I think the guy had a damn good idea, but why was it successful?

Was it that it was just a new concept? or that he had the cash to hype it up, do PR etc?

The reason I ask is that I have an idea that evolved from seeing how simple his was, and I know I can't do it myself.

How much cash you think it costed him to start that up and get it running? I thought about asking jon or a few others to partner with me on this, but if it's possible to be done by myself then I think it's a cashcow. Actually it's a cashcow with partners and would not be just a fly by night idea, if the hype was really pimped out.

I don't want to say yet what the actual concept is but it does involve a design like the million dollar home page, and just wanted to get your opinions on how and why his idea was successful.

Will tell you this, this site could generate 5-10million a year, although this depends on the PR and getting the site marketed.

well lets flippin :food-smiley-002: here your comments or flames :boid:

Apparently, the guy that owns TMDH [I forgot his name =\] spent $1000s on hiring a top PR firm to get word out about it.

I also heard, that the fact he needed the money for college, was a lie. And that he had to spend another few $1000 on covering it up.
From an interview:

He sold his first blocks of 100 pixels (the minimum number the eye can read) to his three brothers and some friends. Once sales had topped $1,000, he used the money to pay for a press release that was picked up by the BBC. This, is turn, “went viral” across the internet as person after person e-mailed it to friends around the world.

I think I read somewhere that he hired someone to do all of the PR for his site, and maybe cut them in on some of the action instead of paying them upfront.
I kinda forget about that site even though its like one of them sites i visit once a month if it comes into my head. Anyway read his latest blog post, he says he hired Imal Wagner do help with pr after he had already made $400,000. Hes actually got an ebook coming out soon, damn he must be getting desperate for cash after seeing how expensive it is here in London :)
hmm, so he actually made some money then hired the PR Guru! See I would have to find or hook up with someone I guess that could finance it from the go.

His e-book will sell well I believe just for the fact that he did get news media to cover his site. I was thinking of taking my idea and actually send it to fox news, ccn, msnbc etc etc, just to see if I could get a mention of it. I know they do that for the boys over at JibJab.

Thats all it would take. If fox and cnn would grab it and just mention it, it would be golden. Then of course my idea can be specifically catered to different niches. So the money is really unlimited. As long as it is launched right and developed to catch the eye more than the million dollar homepage ever could have.
I "heard" that he worships the deviiillllll and eats babies.

Does your idea deliver value to the advertiser? If so then you will do ok. If you planning MHP mark 2, then you will fail.
It was all about attention. The buyers saw that everyone was talking about the site and figured what the hell, lets see what this can do.

Its not exactly magic getting media attention, but you have to know what you are doing. If he was 43 years old and the site had been up for 5 months the media would have passed. Young, in school, crazy idea, lots of money, thats a killer formula. If you watch the news closely you will see very visible patterns emerge. I'm not discounting what he did, he was smart and it took a whole lot of work.
imagenesis said:
I'll give you $100,000 for your awesome idea.
lol thats ok. The concept I have was thought of while looking at the MDHP, but with a twist.

Damn, I think it will work~ lol. You guys gave me a nice thought process on it. Thanks.

Im gonna call a few PR companies also,, I think that Hannity and Colmes and FOX News, CNN and MSNBC will pick it up. If I can get a plug their it will be a Multi-million dollar page/s lmao,
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