what do you feel are the best ad networks?...

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Copeac is awesome! Payment is always on time, and just a great network to work with!

I Agree completely. They go out of their way to help their affiliates. I've not heard a bad report about them. Really recommend you try them.
All of them. They all usually offer something unique. Stop worrying about this shit and make some fuckin money first. When your pulling in big sale amounts, then worry about it.
i haven't had a chance to do a whole lot with 'em yet but so far i'm very impressed with firelead.
I've only tried azoogleads and maxbounty(even though I only tried maxbounty for a very short time). azoogleads > maxbounty anyday, but I gotta say they both payout. I simply like azoogleads more because they have reps that actually talk to you personally. maxbounty has a diff attitude.
In terms of reputation around wickedfire, definately azoogle and copeac
I recently signed up for linkshare and for copeac. I got the standard confirmation e-mail from linkshare, it was a very typical signing-up-at-a-website process.

I signed up with copeac and got an e-mail a little bit later from a human, and then another e-mail from my account rep who wanted to help me find offers for my sites.

World of difference.
I like Specific Media. My affiliate manager Andrew O. is nice to work with and very responsive. They send their checks out on time. No complaints here.
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