What Do You Envy?

What Do You Envy?

  • Time

    Votes: 21 46.7%
  • Money

    Votes: 6 13.3%
  • Ladies

    Votes: 9 20.0%
  • something else and I'll tell you all about it...

    Votes: 9 20.0%

  • Total voters
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Oct 26, 2006
So what do you envy if somebody else has it. My answer is time. I never seem to have enough time. If I work long hours, then I get the work done at least in some schedule but then I don't have enough time to play Xbox or watch movies. If I do that, I'm lagging at work.

"Suicide is painless, it brings many changes" or something like that...


Everything I've done online that was successful took a decent amount of work, but when you say it aloud or explain it falls flat and it's like, "Well, I just clicked the easy button."

So I envy people that when they talk about what they have achieved it is understood by all what that means because if other people don't recognized your personal accomplishments they're kind of lessened.

not sure if envy is the right word, but i definitely admire discipline the most when i see it demonstrated by others. it almost always manifests itself as accomplishment in one form or another, whether that be money, time, expertise, etc.

a very close second would be ingenuity.
I always envied people who knew exactly what they wanted to be when they grew up. I had a friend who in highschool he wanted to be a doctor so he went to college, med school, intership, practice.

I enjoy what I do, but somehow I wonder if I missed my calling somewhere along the way. Plus it was a painful road just getting here.
I always envied people who knew exactly what they wanted to be when they grew up. I had a friend who in highschool he wanted to be a doctor so he went to college, med school, intership, practice.

I enjoy what I do, but somehow I wonder if I missed my calling somewhere along the way. Plus it was a painful road just getting here.

turbo, 3,000 posts and no boob thread?
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