What do you do when...


New member
Aug 25, 2007
A respected large network decides they arn't going to pay you because the leads you sent converted but didn't convert into paying subsribers for the advertiser?

They've offered to pay me 50% which i think is bullshit because it still leaves me $XXXX down. I was told $5 a lead so i drove the traffic and now i'm taking the rap because the leads i sent didn't decide to become a paying subscriber. What a f'in joke!

A respected large network decides they arn't going to pay you because the leads you sent converted but didn't convert into paying subsribers for the advertiser?

They've offered to pay me 50% which i think is bullshit because it still leaves me $XXXX down. I was told $5 a lead so i drove the traffic and now i'm taking the rap because the leads i sent didn't decide to become a paying subscriber. What a f'in joke!

Why don't you fully disclose what type of traffic they came from and the exact reason the network doesn't want to pay 100%, but 50%. Obviously there is more to the story, and I'm not hating on you, but if they're offering 50%, might be a good idea to handle it privately until you can't get more appropriate results on your own.
Why don't you fully disclose what type of traffic they came from

Social, well targeted.

and the exact reason the network doesn't want to pay 100%, but 50%.

The leads I sent converted but didn't convert into paying subsribers for the advertiser.

might be a good idea to handle it privately until you can't get more appropriate results on your own

This is the first time a networks decided they arn't going to pay me in full and they're basically taking a stand and saying i won't be paid in full. I'm not sure what to do.
If the offer took social and you sent social and your ads weren't misleading then they really should pay you.

I'm curious what network owners think about this. IMHO there are a couple scenarios

1) Advertiser is threatening to stop all business with network if they are forced to pay for what they agreed to and network would rather keep them and see if they can pull this crap with you
2) Advertiser isn't paying period and network is trying to recoup partial loses
I've had a similar problem, though it wasn't lead quality.

I sent some traffic to NeverBlue back in the day on this niche rebill offer for women. The advertiser was rather new and didn't have their backend set up correctly and their pixel was double/triple firing on all my leads. After about a week, NB informed me they couldn't pay me because of the advertisers mistake and would only pay me for my costs involved.

I accepted it as NB told me this would NOT happen again and if it did I would be paid fully 100%. The advertiser told NB they corrected the problem and I again started running traffic again for another week and guess what? Same issue. NB contacted me and said they would only pay me traffic costs again.

Not only did feel I was lied to, but when I send in proof of my traffic costs with a CSV and screen shots, they questioned the amount I spent on traffic saying it was rather high ( i was working on slim margins anyways to begin with ), and I had to justify every penny spent on my traffic with them.

To add insult to all this, it took them almost a solid month and a half to even pay me, even though I was set up on weeklies with them which I confirmed with my rep. I kept getting the old "check is in the mail" bit for about 6-7 weeks.

When I finally did get paid, it was not the agreed amount me and my rep came up with for my traffic costs ( it was lower ).

To this day, I wont run any traffic with them whatsoever.
At any point in time, did they say anything about your lead quality?

I told my rep that i'd work closely with them on quality and asked them a number of times for a quality report but they failed to provide. When i raised this with my network they turned around and told me that the advertiser was on holiday for a week or so while i was running traffic.
I've had a similar problem, though it wasn't lead quality.

I sent some traffic to NeverBlue back in the day on this niche rebill offer for women. The advertiser was rather new and didn't have their backend set up correctly and their pixel was double/triple firing on all my leads. After about a week, NB informed me they couldn't pay me because of the advertisers mistake and would only pay me for my costs involved.

I accepted it as NB told me this would NOT happen again and if it did I would be paid fully 100%. The advertiser told NB they corrected the problem and I again started running traffic again for another week and guess what? Same issue. NB contacted me and said they would only pay me traffic costs again.

Not only did feel I was lied to, but when I send in proof of my traffic costs with a CSV and screen shots, they questioned the amount I spent on traffic saying it was rather high ( i was working on slim margins anyways to begin with ), and I had to justify every penny spent on my traffic with them.

To add insult to all this, it took them almost a solid month and a half to even pay me, even though I was set up on weeklies with them which I confirmed with my rep. I kept getting the old "check is in the mail" bit for about 6-7 weeks.

When I finally did get paid, it was not the agreed amount me and my rep came up with for my traffic costs ( it was lower ).

To this day, I wont run any traffic with them whatsoever.

Neverblue are really good people, from my experience. Not sure why they'd do this to you. Did you get to contact the network managers? (Jason or Sam?)

But assuming everything that you said is truth, it's their loss at the end of the day, not yours.
to be honest, i talked to my rep the whole time, who was in contact with multiple people at NB for me. I dont remember all the names as this has been a while ago, but I think one of the names was Tom?

not trying to hijack the thread here, just wanted the OP to know sometimes you dont get paid by the networks as expected.
@original poster - which network is this?

Azoogle, i've spoke with them today and they've said they're not paying all of the leads, i'm only getting half.

I asked them a few times about the quality and didn't get a response, only now do they tell me that the advertiser was away on holiday. That's my fault? Don't think so.
I think this is nonsense. (if there's not more to the story)

It's the network responsibility to:

a) start you with a small capped amount to assess quality.
b) keep an eye on quality and if it's not acceptable then tell you to stop the traffic and pay you for everything up until that point.

The relationship with the advertiser is irrelevant - that's their responsibility not yours. If they let you send the leads when they knew the advertiser had an issue with them - that's called being sloppy and they should eat the charges and pay you. Moreover, if they're smart and you did decent volume they'll want to keep your business and they'll take care of you vs. nickle and diming you.
I work with nitro and he's always very concerned about lead quality with us. So I'm sure what he's saying is legit.

Interesting I'm hearing about networks not paying bills on traffic they didn't get paid on from the advertisers even though the traffic is good. Seems the times they are a changing.

Honestly no real reason to have a network take a margin unless it's for them taking the risk. If they say send more traffic it's backing out fine. It's honestly up to them to collect. You don't have access to the advertiser, don't know their credit situation.... etc etc

Azoogle from my knowledge and experience is a good network though I'd be rather shocked if they didn't resolve this better then discussed.

Just my 3 cents.
You should be paid in full. The network assumes the risk with the advertiser - its their fucking business model for god sakes. If the advertiser doesnt pay the network, hey sorry. The affiliate is doing all the valuable work so they should always be paid no matter what
You should be paid in full. The network assumes the risk with the advertiser - its their fucking business model for god sakes. If the advertiser doesnt pay the network, hey sorry. The affiliate is doing all the valuable work so they should always be paid no matter what

This. Unless the affiliate is doing something against tos or against something listed on the offer page that isn't allowed. Sounds like this wasn't the case here.
Azoogle, i've spoke with them today and they've said they're not paying all of the leads, i'm only getting half.

I asked them a few times about the quality and didn't get a response, only now do they tell me that the advertiser was away on holiday. That's my fault? Don't think so.
Oh well atleast is goes to ......
A respected large network decides they arn't going to pay you because the leads you sent converted but didn't convert into paying subsribers for the advertiser?

They've offered to pay me 50% which i think is bullshit because it still leaves me $XXXX down. I was told $5 a lead so i drove the traffic and now i'm taking the rap because the leads i sent didn't decide to become a paying subscriber. What a f'in joke!

Same exact thing happened with me and neverblue.. did some $$ on a zip submit, didn't pay. I'm never touching them again.
Assuming that OP was legit and compliant, I would be VERY surprised if azoogle acted this way. In my books azoogle is one of the most robust and trustworthy network in the industry and if they don't pay them because the advertiser doesn't pay them is nonsense...

And what's happening to the industry these days? Neverblue not paying (as pr0xyhub said), I heard COPEAC isn't paying unless the advertiser pays them and now azoogle?

Like everyone said, the WHOLE point of a network is to deal with the advertiser and cover the affiliates in case shit hits the fan. Why else would they have to take 10-25% margins for?

That's also why I love working with midsized networks like C2M, Ads4Dough and EWA. I know that I will get paid as long as my traffic is legit. Because these guys are in it for the long term and actually care about their reputation more than the money.
Yeah thats bullshit if everything your saying is true...

You did your part of the job by getting the people to the website and getting the leads for them. Its the advertisers responsibility to take it to the next step. For all you know they could have a horrible sales page for when there trying to convert people to the next step, but since its so bad they could be shooting themselves in the foot and trying to put the blame on somebody else because their methods of selling shit ain't working.

And fuck the networks who back shit like this. I ain't working my ass off trying to sell these products so you can get 10-20% of the money I made and then disappear like you can't do anything about it when a advertiser decides not to pay.

Networks need to grow some balls and stand up for their affiliates. After all they are the ones making the money and paying your bills. And if its such a big deal to you big affiliate networks and your afraid of how much profit you could be losing by standing up to shitty advertisers then maybe you could fire some of your dumbass employees who should be working behind a grill rather than managing million dollar affiliates.