What can my friend do to monetize this?

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Geishas Welcome
Dec 24, 2008
I'm posting here cause he asked me what he can do, and his specific question isn't my area of IM expertise, but I can apply the knowledge I know to help him, I just want to know from you guys what my options are so I can implement them.

My friend asked me how he can make money from his blog.
He has a blog that gets about 100 unique hits a day, and maxes out at 1200 if he makes a post.

First, I think he needs a lot more traffic. What can he do to solve that? (my main area is CPA, not wordpress or SEO).
Second, is his only option to monetize to put up ads, or are there others?

Thanks guys :updown:

1. Add banners to CPA offers that relate to the content of his blog
2. Adsense
3. Sell ad space
4. PhpBay links to related products
Well, if he manages to multiply his traffic by 12 when he makes a post, he should probably post more. -- DUH?

Also hit up other blogs in the same niche for links, linkbuilding, yadda yadda.

The rest is ad selection (choose products relevant to the niche) and ad placement (TEST TEST TEST)

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