What branch of the military is this? Near my home.


New member
Jun 29, 2008
A police state.
Okay, this picture was found on facebook. A few armed soldiers a few blocks from my house. Near a college campus. Peoria, Illinois.

It's unconstitutional for military to be deployed on U.S. soil except the national guard.

Does anyone know what branch this is? Could this be the national guard? wtf guise?


And ya, I'm the same guy who spotted a drone in this same area a few months ago...

I talked to a few people about this and these were their theories:

- The illinois river flooded really bad here - maybe the national guard were called in to help.
- There were threats of some kind of gang war/issue between Peoria and Chicago gangs, maybe related.
- Maybe ROTC training with "fake guns." lol.

National guard almost never deploys with guns unless it's a riot or some situation where they know they'll need them.

I've heard of NG doing scenarios/drills (Police have done the same) but usually there's a major warning before hand of the drill. They could be police but they seem like military.

Once in a great while though, i've read stories about national guys in full kit being left behind in the middle of nowhere and having to walk to where everyone else was. This could be less sinister case as well.
Once in a great while though, i've read stories about national guys in full kit being left behind in the middle of nowhere and having to walk to where everyone else was. This could be less sinister case as well.

Even in the middle of the city?

Why didn't anyone ask them? You guys are paying their salaries, after all.

I don't know, people are afraid of the military. Maybe someone did. I just saw the photo after the fact, didn't see them myself.

Am I the only one who thinks this is odd?

Also, I don't know if there were more soldiers than just this. I'm just working off the info in the picture.
According to the Posse Comitatus act, only National Guard units and the Coast Guard can be used domestically, with a few limited exceptions such as during times of insurrections and invasions.

But then again, governments rarely play by their own rules.
Judging by the camo pattern and overall look, their uniforms appear to be the "Army ACU". That rules out navy, air force, marines, etc.

Doesn't tell you though, if they are "regular army" or reserves, or national guard.

My wild ass guess is Peoria National Guard troops doing something to support the flooding in Peoria. Was this anywhere near downtown/ water street?
Just testing the waters for the martial law coming soon that everyone thinks is a conspiracy theory...

They will report back and say "Gee Sarge, that was easy... nobody even asked us any questions... they all seemed scared of us!"
If you had a better picture, I can tell you exactly. All army units have Unit Patches on their arms and that'll tell you what their up to. Rank also helps as well.

Here is what I can tell.

1. It is Army.
2. Those might be real rifles they are holding. If you look at the first person's rifle, there is a red dot in front of it. That is the blank firing adapter. You also don't mark the butt of your rifles with red tape (the red tape contains information on which soldier the rifle has been assigned to) unless it is real.
3. They are not wearing LBEs and are wearing some other type of webbing. It has been a few years since I was in the army but new equipment means that the unit is somewhat important. Unimportant units get less new toys. (or all units got new toys right after I left... lol).

My guess, since you said that it is near a college campus, is that the Army ROTC unit at the school is doing a ruck march. If this happened during a weekday, than it is mostlikely ROTC. If it is weekend, it can be ROTC or Reserves/NationalGuard.

No martial law, just units training. No need to freak out. This is similar to the fire department driving the fire truck around so the firemen can stay fresh on how to drive a firetruck.

If you had a better picture, the ROTC unit patch would tell it all. Also, ROTC units do not use regular army ranks and have cadet rankings.
It's becoming more common for the .mil to prefor
Training excersises in the US. It gives them a realistic 'urban' environment to train in. Check out YouTube and look for Miami military training excersise from January. They are 'training' in major cities accross the nation. It is unclear from the OP's pic if that is te case in this situation.
I've seen reservists out like that. I used to work near a recruiting station; they would run through the parking lot for a couple hours while some others were staging up a convoy to go out. I've seen ROTC running in formation at school in the middle of the night. ROTC have wooden rifles, and I thought it was weird that even though the rifles were fake, some of them had laser scopes.
It's constitutional if we're in a "state of emergency". We've been in a "state of emergency" since 9/11.
Guys I saw a soldier at a train station with ISAF patches, is central Manchester under martial law?

Guys, I saw some RAF pilots at Vegas airport flying back to London, is the US allowing a secret redcoat invasion?