What are your top 5 mac apps


God of Leisure
Dec 6, 2009
My new fully loaded 17" macbook pro is coming tomorrow in the mail.. I've used PC for forever and now I feel like a noob again.

I feel like there's gotta be a few must have apps that every person has that even knows a little about macs

Hey Marketcake -

Welcome to the family.

istats - monitors your hardware

CyberDuck - FTP program

Screenflow - record your desktop for video tutorials, presentations, etc.

SMCFanControl - control your cooling fans. I have a 17inch mbp that gets really hot and having the ability to control the cooling fans with a click of a mouse can be handy when your laptop is reaching 2,000F...lol. But really, this is a great one. Gurgle it.

Adium - Instant Messenger Aggregator. Hook all of your IM accounts up to this program (like digsby on PC, but much better)
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for quicksilver make the shortcut (command + /) . that's the setting I use. So easy to open and close and switch applications. Saves you so much time and the apps that you use the most will stay up top. I don't even have icons on my doc because of it and keeps my computer less cluttered
If you didn't get the Applecare protection plan, do it now while they still let you. it's $300 but worth every single penny. 3 repairs on the same issue? bam, brand new, upgraded machine. One motherboard replacement if necessary can make it worth it, since that can be well over $800, and I'm getting mine replaced right now. The nVidia chipset failed on it (known issue, nvidia is reimbursing apple for a shit batch of 8600Ms), and since it's a laptop, it's soldered right to the mobo.
Just so you know, the only thing you need to do to keep your machine reliable, is go to Applications--->Utilities---->Disk Utility and click on "Repair Permissions". once/month or so and your machine will last for years. Also, shut your machine down every night, it takes 1 minute to start back up
Just so you know, the only thing you need to do to keep your machine reliable, is go to Applications--->Utilities---->Disk Utility and click on "Repair Permissions". once/month or so and your machine will last for years. Also, shut your machine down every night, it takes 1 minute to start back up

ahhhh damn, this is good to know. I leave my PC on 24/7, literally hasnt been off in about a year except for restarts and occassional trips to internet cafes.

I heard leaving it on makes it last longer cause its less stress, is that different for a mac?

What does repair permissions do

btw i tried that fan control on my friends new imac and it just didnt do anything when you run the app
ahhhh damn, this is good to know. I leave my PC on 24/7, literally hasnt been off in about a year except for restarts and occassional trips to internet cafes.

I heard leaving it on makes it last longer cause its less stress, is that different for a mac?

Leaving almost any computer on that long without a restart or anything is usually a bad idea, and it is stressful on the hardware. Especially on a laptop or all-in-one. Servers stay on all of the time, but they have redundant backups just in case a drive goes, or something else goes(and they do all the time).

generally shutting down at night is a good thing for any computer, even if the OS was designed to be left on all the time. plus it saves on your power bill.
for warrenty i got a squaretrade warranty that was $300.. not really sure how it works though.. like if my computer takes a shit on me will they just pay me the full price ? its insured up ti 3k i think. also, can i do that only once, get the computer replaced, or for the whole duration of 3 years

PS Excellent replies btw, keep em coming :)
for warrenty i got a squaretrade warranty that was $300.. not really sure how it works though.. like if my computer takes a shit on me will they just pay me the full price ? its insured up ti 3k i think. also, can i do that only once, get the computer replaced, or for the whole duration of 3 years

PS Excellent replies btw, keep em coming :)

honestly Applecare can be the best option just because of the ways you can get it repaired, not fully replaced:

I had a fan, DVD drive, and battery go on me. Took it to apple store, told them the situation, said it was critical for business. Turnaround was 3 hours, and no charge.
Im really digging this magic mouse but it sucks that there is no middle click. Is there an app that lets you work around this/hack his fucntion into the OS/mouse
I was going to get "chameleon" cause I heard it was better than bootcamp but I have no idea..

do I need to reformat os x to install a double boot app?
I was going to get "chameleon" cause I heard it was better than bootcamp but I have no idea..

do I need to reformat os x to install a double boot app?

try without using windows at all, and find mac equivalent software. save your HD space, save time rebooting or booting a VM etc