What A Joker


New member
Sep 2, 2010
So I had this guy run some offers that sent a bunch of blatant fraud and I told him I can't pay for any of the leads. I am talking rolling/dup ips like it was amateur hour. It was only a few sales before I caught him, but he came crying about a $200 payment. I told him I didn't have to look very far to see his orders were not worth much more than dried up dog poop (well...not exactly in those words).

This is what got to me...

He then tells me that he purposely frauded my system because he thought he could get away with it and didn't like the way it looked. Then says it is my loss and that he has been a super affiliate for a few years now.

Even if you are a super affiliate, why would a network want to work with you if you are trying to fraud them. Shouldn't it be based of trust and good ethics?

Tool bag right?


muuaaahahahaha...I almost added at the end of my post that I should out this joker and find out. hahaha
there is a major candy bar on the market that is super popular but if you eat it you will die.

but I won't tell you what the candy bar is.

this post has a lot of purpose
hurr durrrr

(translation- out)
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Just ban him from the network, then have your attorney send him a letter that says go away or we'll sue you for fraud. Done.