What a fucking retard...

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Oct 26, 2006
Take a look at this video: Michael's Traffic Videos: Tue 3rd April 2007!

I seriously wanted to kill myself after about 2 minutes. And I can't believe how he can be so proud of his stuff. I had that kinda stuff when I was in college! Wasn't Michael Cheeney supposed to get these huge large checks like every other day and then he's living in a shithole like that.

Cheeney is a great example of how not do internet marketing. Yes, he has few quite successful (crap) products, but first he emailed the shit out of his list and people were complaining everywhere. Then he stopped emailing suddenly, and now he's just doing these ultimate lame launches with unbelievable crappy products like 11 Days To List Profits.


Pure tosspot, his head is right up his own arse. The way he talks about his old place of work and the shitty 1 bedroom apartment really pissed me off.

I hope the roof blows off his new farmhouse. I hope I never see his stupid grin again
I actually watched that whole video.
There must be some sort of cultural or economic difference that he failed to explain. At first I thought he was doing some kind of spoof and making fun of videos like that by showing a miniature crappy 2 bedroom, 1 living room thing(house?) with nothing in it. Then about half way through when he showed his other place i started thinking he was serious. Around the end I think i figured out that where he lives is probably really expensive. Perhaps that 30" CRT television he has is like $3,000 where he's from. Maybe from the part or town he's in, having a place like that is a huge deal and living in the lap of luxury where in places like the US (his customers) thats welfare shit. IMO He needed to put in some kind of disclaimer at the beginning for the people who live much nicer than him but yet don't roll in the filthy riches like he does.
Well he is from Britan or somewhere over in that part of the world and the price of housing in that place is insane like a 500 square foot hallway goes for $1000 US dollars per month. I'm not saying the fool makes a ton of money to live where he does but I'm just saying that in those parts of the world the cost of living is super high compared to our cost of living.
I admit that I haven't been to London (I've traveled all Europe when younger, everyone told me that London was depressing so I didn't go). But by American standards that place looks like shit. But hey, if it makes him happy. Maybe it's a sale for the European market. He's not impressing any one in the U.S.
I don't trust to people with bad designed web sites. Especially when they are talking about internet profit.
Hm. Perhaps this guy just has no style at all. It can sometimes be seen on Cribs where you see guys with tons of money living in an expensive but crappy place, but still, this guy doesn't really seem to live the big life.
I mean, if you want to show off to screw people into buying your ebook, do it rich jerk style, even if you have to pay a shitty actor and rent the cars and bitches.

Also, I just had to post Dave Chappelle's CRIBS spoof:
YouTube - Dave Chapelle Crib's
That house would cost less than $400k GB (I think hes in Aberdeen) which is a pretty cheap part of the country. Where I live a 1 bedroom flat on the Clyde waterfront will cost anything between $300k - $1.2 mill for a nice one.

If it was central London that house would cost at least $1 mill on a good day!

Houses in the US are a lot cheaper but again there's a lot more land and so many different state rules. The UK is expensive for everything but again we get free health care and state handouts if you have no Job.

In the UK its possible to live in a nice house, drive a brand new car, get spending money every week and live happily ever after without doing any work at all. This is why were the illegal immigrants favorite destination
That house he is living in probs cost somewhere in the region of £150,000 ($300,000) Is that success? I dunno?
I'm not sure that you can measure success solely with the metric of how much your house costs. But yeah, housing is fucking expensive in the UK.

I got the impression he wasn't concentrating on the size nor cost of his house, but the freedom that his 'job' had given him (compared to what he had before).

All said, though, anyone who feels the need to make a video to tell the world how great their life is has serious ego problems. Or they're trying to sell an e-book. Or both.
I don't know if you can really relate your place of residence to your success. I personally know a guy who makes about $10k a month doing affiliate marketing and he lives in a cramped one-bedroom apartment that probably costs him about $500/mo (including utilities). Some people are simply happy having money in the bank and not having a boss... despite how crappy their "house" is.

Ah well. Happiness is different for everyone.
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