WF Vegas Tshirts & WF Abuse

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Staff member
Jun 21, 2006
New York City
Last call for the now infamous makemoniesonline WickedFire ASW 2009 tshirts!!

If you haven't gotten one and you're a proud WickedFire member then make sure you swing by the A4D booth tomorrow (last day of the show) to pick one up. Supplies are EXTREMELY limited so get one now before they are gone for good. Still some XL's left.

Also I've been hearing that some of the guys who were wearing the shirts got poked fun at for showing their WickedFire pride... don't let those fuckers get away with it. Tell them to go fuck themselves or poke fun at their weight, you know, something fairly offensive to really have them hate us more. I guarantee you they will not say or do anything back to you, almost everyone is a pussy, plus we have over 200 WF'ers at the show to back you up. Or if you can find me and want to point out the fucker, I'll gladly go up to them and confront them myself. No one fucks with WickedFire and gets away with it. No one!

There are no dp'ers at the show.. no free review copies. Its probably a retard or two from networks who don't like us for outing them or an old guy from ABW who has no idea what he's getting himself into.
I'd wipe my ass if I had one of those shirts, then I would curb stomp anyone of you pussy bitches who tried to stop me, cunts.
could ANYONE post a pic of the fucking shirt?

PS: preferably worn by a hot female, not a fat, sweaty web developer.

i'l pick mine up tomorrow.. nice hanging out @ CS party Jon...

we had a blast @ XS / Encore just made it back to hotel... Deepak is fucking i-n-s-a-n-e.. what a party and what a hangover I'll have tomorrow
Is there anyway to still get one even though we missed the show? Please Jon?!?
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