WF Member Rasta_Cook is a Phaggot?

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2 1/2 weeks and he hasn't received what he paid for. Seems like he's got a legitimate beef to me.


2 days no PM response over weekend, so posted angry thread claiming service provider is scammer.

Offered a full refund, although link is apparently live.

2 1/2 weeks is fast considering a lot of the sellers here. One "respected" provider here is months behind on my work and he gave me a fucking parasite post and claimed it was a guest post. Do you see me pulling out a full thread yet?

2 days no PM response over weekend, so posted angry thread claiming service provider is scammer.

Offered a full refund, although link is apparently live.

2 1/2 weeks is fast considering a lot of the sellers here. One "respected" provider here is months behind on my work and he gave me a fucking parasite post and claimed it was a guest post. Do you see me pulling out a full thread yet?

Paid for services on Nov. 20. It's now the 8th and he still hasn't received services he paid for. Sent service provider PMs on the 2nd (and 3rd I guess, Tue and Wed last week, not the weekend) and didn't get a reply. I agree the thread is poorly titled and probably premature, but Rasta's overreaction doesn't absolve the service provider from delivering what was expected of him. Your personal experiences with another seller are irrelevant.
he hasn't received what he paid for.

He has received it, but he didn't like it. Then he started discussing it via PMs and the seller "disappeared" for 2 days.

And then he asked Wickedfire for a refund.

Just wanted to get this straight for the descendants.

I don't know any more details or what the link is, but this is totally not the "X is a scammer" situation.
He has received it, but he didn't like it. Then he started discussing it via PMs and the seller "disappeared" for 2 days.

No I haven't received what I paid for or else there wouldn't be any issues. I also waited more than 2 days. His last message to me on dec 2nd was basically telling me it was over, that I got what I paid for even though there were clearly some unresolved issues.

Nonetheless I did apologize, not because I am wrong, but just because I should have been a little more "politically correct" in handling the situation (basically changing the title for something like "What's up with ChristopherT?" would have prevented all this drama).

I sent a pm a bit earlier to ChristopherT and offered him the possibility to resolve the issue instead of refunding me as that has always been my goal, but unfortunately i suspect that wont happen, he'll say that it's because i'm a bad customer and he wants nothing to do with me, but maybe the truth is he cant deliver.

If you sell services that are sketchy then please by all means do not accept my orders. If your service is legit then you have nothing to worry about.
After he delivered my order, I pointed out a few issues.

He has received it, but he didn't like it.

No I haven't received what I paid for


I honestly know nothing about this situation anymore, and I start to like it that way.

G'day gentlemen and may the right one win.

2 days no PM response over weekend, so posted angry thread claiming service provider is scammer.

Offered a full refund, although link is apparently live.

2 1/2 weeks is fast considering a lot of the sellers here. One "respected" provider here is months behind on my work and he gave me a fucking parasite post and claimed it was a guest post. Do you see me pulling out a full thread yet?

Never made sense to me how this is such a common occurrence. Few years ago when I sold some services I recall being flooded with orders at one point. Only slept 4-6 hours over a 3 day stretch doing grunt work as there wasn't time to train additional VAs. If I ever thought I might be late I'd reach out and notify the client, offering a refund at that stage.

In my opinion there's even less lenience (not that there's any to begin with) in B2B sales versus B2C. Clients might have clients of their own which puts a greater value on punctuality.
If your service is legit then you have nothing to worry about.

I dont have a say with this topic but I think creating a thread instead of posting it in the Scammers thread created by Zingo did the damage. If you can ask some Mod to edit/delete the thread that would be nice in the side of the seller.

Have a look

If Christopher T decides to sell via Facebook ads, or if some "busy" big time client decides to search his username via Google all they will see is the thread created by you and wouldnt even bother to look at the content cause they are "busy". Thats a customer lost already, so i think your best option here is to ask mods to edit or delete so both can move on without deep damages
I asked a mod if he could change the title.

That doesnt change the fact that he had so far failed to deliver what was promised, perhaps he could have if given more time... i wouldnt mind waiting a bit more ... actually i would prefer tbat to a refund, but anyways... Its up to him now.
I asked a mod if he could change the title.

That doesnt change the fact that he had so far failed to deliver what was promised, perhaps he could have if given more time... i wouldnt mind waiting a bit more ... actually i would prefer tbat to a refund, but anyways... Its up to him now.

Bro, fucking articulate your primary point. Get your point across and stick to it. Stop side stepping, back tracking, changing the subject. Explain what the fuck happened with a proper timeline, point out what was promised by quoting the original thread, explain why you don't think he delivered the final product. And stop fucking using "delivered" as an adjective in multiple cases, it's confusing as fuck.

Two threads later and I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about bro. I never get this pissed over a thread but shit man, your posts are unnerving as hell to read, especially because this guys BST/service future is on the line because that thread is now indexed.

Either explain yourself in your next post or post a plea for the mods to change the thread or delete it. Get your shit together man, this is depressing. Some guy who can barely put sentences together in a grammatically correct form is wrecking you (no offense to the seller, just pointing out how shitty these posts are).

If you can't do even that, then quote this next line:

"Dear Jon, I, rasta_cook, am an incompetent fuck and I need you to permaban me before I cause anymore damage to my or others reputation."
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It's not rastacooks fault you let your debilitating disability to mentally comprehend what's been said get the better of you.

or that post count determines who's right.

so far he has a very clear case, should just take the offered refund and move on.
Lol, if a published editorial post was promised and sold as, then an unpublished submission is clearly not delivering what was promised.

Incidentally I also got shortchanged out of $200 service provider here recently and I could probably have avoided that if more people actually posted their true experience. I didn't name and shame because I'd rather get on with it, but that does mean some other poor guy is going to have a bad experience.

Now calling someone a scammer is a bit harsh, but in cases like this I usually side with the one who is able to write legibly and that is only one of those involved.
Lol, if a published editorial post was promised and sold as, then an unpublished submission is clearly not delivering what was promised.

Now calling someone a scammer is a bit harsh, but in cases like this I usually side with the one who is able to write legibly and that is only one of those involved.

In my opinion there's even less lenience (not that there's any to begin with) in B2B sales versus B2C. Clients might have clients of their own which puts a greater value on punctuality.

What these guys said. If a seller posts in BST and fucks up TATs or fails to deliver what he promised, I think he can be called out . But not in "Shooting the shit " for christ's sakes.
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no dog in this fight, but i wanna buy a beer for whoever posted the tag "rastafailian".

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