WF loves WAFO


dumbfuck cannonfodder. Thank christ for the shit4brains of the warriorforum.

without who we'd all be stuck with just the one house, and just the 4 sportscars
Wow sorry to hear that Colleen, I was going to sign up to one of the colon cleansing cpa offers to see what the product was like before I promoted it - I won't be trying it or promoting it now if this is what my customers can expect!

Sure buddy, product research. Bet he'd be disappointed when he found out the cleanse didn't come in suppository form.

Common ways to close a message at WaFo. (After reading just 1 thread, I found these gems)

Thanks in Advance
Hope This Helps!
Many Successes
Have a Nice day
To YOUR Success (<< Give me a fucking break)
Much success
Best Regards
Picking up the crumbs and loving it (Yes, someone really did say this exact line)
Thanks Again
All The Best