WF Bros...NYC Apartment for Non-US Citizen?

Jimmy Clayton

New member
Feb 26, 2008

I'll try to make this post quick and concise.

Canadian citizen in TO. Looking to lease a second living space in NYC.

How do I go about this? Is it the same as if I were looking for another place in Canada, or is there some kind of extra paperwork I have to fill out because I am from out-of-country/non citizen. (Just talking signing a lease here, nothing to do with immigration, etc)

My gut tells me it will be the same as if I were a normal citizen - I may just have to put down a bigger security deposit/pay a few more months up front, etc - but I am usually wrong about these things.

I will be emailing a few landlords today anyways, but I was just looking for some unbiased information here...see what the status quo is.

Thanks in advance

Landlords aren't going to care. Plus you're Canadian, so you're allowed 6 months/year in the US without having to fill out a single form.
Most landlords should be very accommodating to your situation.

You could always get in touch with apartment owners on or VRBO® is Vacation Rentals By Owner and check out monthly rates as well. Might be easier than signing a lease, although it will be a bit more expensive unless you grind them on rates.

On the plus side, you can live in a new place every month (or every week) if you want. Great way to experience a city.
As a Canadian who spent 2 years in NYC, I can tell you this:

New York is a city that runs on one thing and one thing only: MONEY. Ask 50 cent and he'll tell you more about it.

It doesn't matter whether you're from Canada, Lichtenstein or Papua New Guinea, if you have the money, all the services are available to you: banking account, lease, mortgage, etc...

However, I really don't see the point of you getting a lease if you're only gonna be there a few months per year. Why don't you just rent a month-to-month apartment while you're there? What are you planning to do with your apartment when you're back in Canada?
Thanks for all the responses guys.

I guess as long as I bring the $$$, there shouldn't be any issues.

In regards to the two of you who mentioned going month-to-month, I thought of that, but I personally hate moving and getting acclimated to new living spaces (Its a mental issue I have) so I prefer doing the one year lease type deal at a minimum. I can always short term sublet when vacant if I really need to. Or, let other people use it...
How long do you plan on being there each year? I'm not sure how comfortable landlords would feel about renting out a place to a guy that will be there less than 6 months a year. It's risky to live an apartment empty for too long in NYC.