Weirdest Domain-Related Mail Ever


WF Mega Premium Member
Sep 8, 2007
Anybody receive anything like this before? It's a first for me.

To whom it may concern: 2009-7-2
We are a domain name registration service company in Asia,
Last week we received a formal application submited by Justin Lin who wanted to use
the keyword "[redacted]" to register the Internet Brand and with suffix such
as .cn / / .asia/ domain names.
After our initial examination, we found that these domain names to be applied for
registration are same as your domain name and trademark. We aren¡¯t sure whether
you have any relation with him. Because these domain names would produce possible
dispute, now we have hold down his registration, but if we do not get your company¡¯s
an reply in the next 5 working days, we will approve his company's application
In order to handle this issue better, Please contact us by Fax ,Telephone or Email
as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely

Checking Department
Tel: 86 513 8532 1087
Fax: 86 513 8532 2065
Website: WiFi Network| Complete Asia Pacfic ccTLD Domain Names
Our File No.:2275884

I own the .com and .net extension of the redacted keyphrase. Surely this isn't real? Some .asia/.cn domain company out there e-mailing the owner of every name that someone tries to reg that is already taken at the .com/.net level?


I'm not sure what they are trying to pull but I'm 100% sure it's a scam. A woman I know here in Marbella who runs a popular Marbella blog got the exact same email a few weeks back. I instructed her to simply ignore it and we've not heard from them since. My advice to you would be the same.
Hello friend,

Yes it a scam. It try scam you to buy chinese domain extension of domain you own already.

I get all time to. Just ignore.

Good luck bro
Thanks for the feedback. Can't blame the fucktards for trying.

Anybody receive anything like this before? It's a first for me.

I own the .com and .net extension of the redacted keyphrase. Surely this isn't real? Some .asia/.cn domain company out there e-mailing the owner of every name that someone tries to reg that is already taken at the .com/.net level?


of course it isnt real you fucking numnut.

if they hook you they'll register the variations and try and sell them to you at top dollar. For fucks sake, how long have you been online? And BTW, that Nigerian prince isn't really gonna send you 200,000,000 usd either.
Drown yourself in a bucket of A.I.D.S. numbnuts.


It may be a scam in your case but its not necessarily the same everytime. 3-4 months back I received a call (not email) from my registrar telling me that some other person was interested in buying the .net version of one of the .coms I own & if I had any objections with it. I confirmed the number & it did belong to my registrar.
Drown yourself in a bucket of A.I.D.S. numbnuts.


you see, that's why no one likes you, numnut.

not only are you dumb as a bag of fucking rocks, you think you're tough.

go try on another tut,u you fucking moron-grade fag boy.
I think what's most amusing about your semi-literate rambling is that it is based in you misunderstanding my original post. Shouldn't you be stalking WarriorForum or something? Why waste your time with boring old me?

see my previous post, shitforbrains. I explain it so simply there even a 3rd grader could understand it. Oh - I see your problem. Ask mummy to help you, fuckhead.