Weird Sales

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aim high

New member
Jun 3, 2008
about 20 days ago i ran a campaign. thought it was an absolute flop.was like -75% roi. so i killed the campaign. 5 days later i get a sale. alright cool. w/e. 10 more days later, another sale. er. ill take it. now like 20 days after i killed the campaign i got another sale. weird. but ill take it.

thought i would share. anyone else have this happen? now back to work.

Yep normal.. they are from someone that visit the merchant site using your tracking code and decided to go back later to purchase. Because she or he had your tracking cookie in her/his browser you got the commision. Some tracking cookie can last up to 60 days, it all depends on the agreement.
I had the same shit happen, but with an email submit that I was running on the content network. I have no clue why they would ever go back to the page, yet still getting sales 3 weeks later?
The subid (or whatever you want to call it) gets saved. The network knows exactly what subid made the conversion and it should ping-back accordingly. Pretty easy to track, imo.

Not necessarily. I might have a subid showing me which of my landers it came from but not the original traffic source.
That happens alot. some people do come back, and it might say something about the merchant doing a good customer service work.
Yeah happens to me a lot, especially on failed or shit I'm still testing, it is weird.
People tend to bookmark things like diet programs, retail, subscriptions, etc... if they're not ready to buy at first. However, receiving a lead on a cookied zip/email submit that's more than a day old is bizarre.
lmao, I love that cookie picture. It just makes me happy, and has been saved on my computer for future use...

... it's just that nature of the business. Conversions go up and down - welcome to affiliate marketing. In most cases there is really nothing you can do about it.
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