Weird question: paid news articles?


New member
Oct 21, 2009
I know I can take a shot at press releases here and see if any happen to get picked up... As a numbers game, I'm sure if I tried hard enough and long enough, eventually a few would, but before I do that, I wanted to look into paid news articles.

Does anyone know if such a thing exists?

It doesn't have to be a 'big' news site, obviously, but what I mean is smaller local news sites, or even niche news sites/blogs/e-magazine sites that feature articles...

I've got this crazy stupid idea I've been working on in my downtime, and part of this idea includes news articles.

I was going to try and create a half a dozen fake news sites that appear real and semi-niche or semi-local (or both), and have them scrape news articles from around the web and auto-post them, but this has proven to be really tough for someone that is terrible at coding.

Anyways, my end goal: fake news articles (not for sales of any type so no FCC worries).

Suggestions? Ideas? Go fuck myself?

Local news sites work. I run two and they do reasonably well. However, the challenge here is ensure that you have content streaming into them on a daily basis. Once you do that, you can have Google add you to their news feeds. Then your site has a greater potential to rank up with little or no SEO.

Creating half a dozen sites seems like a dumb fuck idea. Create quality instead of quantity. Im saying this coz this aint an EMD you plan to work on.

For ideas, check out the way HARO works. They get news coming to them instead of them scouting around.
Local news sites work. I run two and they do reasonably well. However, the challenge here is ensure that you have content streaming into them on a daily basis. Once you do that, you can have Google add you to their news feeds. Then your site has a greater potential to rank up with little or no SEO.

Creating half a dozen sites seems like a dumb fuck idea. Create quality instead of quantity. Im saying this coz this aint an EMD you plan to work on.

For ideas, check out the way HARO works. They get news coming to them instead of them scouting around.

Just checked HARO out, will look more into that, thanks.

As for the 'multiple' sites idea, I know this will sound stupid and I'll get a lot of 'Dude, why waste your fucking time?' responses, but it isn't for any financial gain. I want to, I guess, build regular local small news sites with scraped content. All I want out of them is the opportunity to drop an article once or twice a year in amongst the thousands of real ones.

The article will be a publicity stunt surrounding an individual that doesn't technically exist, but is portrayed by yours truly.

I got this nutty fucking idea in my head to split test a social experiment. Me, as two totally different people, in the same line of work, but with a completely different image.

One is a regular dude, the other is in the news for shit that makes people seem awesome... One lives a normal life, the other travels around and hosts charity events that never happened...

Once I get it all built up, I want to see how the two convert side-by-side to the same clients.

I know I know, it sounds fucking pointless, and I guess it is... But it's kind of like banging your friends sister...

Once you get it in your head, you can't get it out until you just fucking do it and get it done with.


If you have any other tips though, I'd really appreciate it. And fuck, maybe I'll learn a few things along the way that I can utilize for some of the actual work projects I'm working on.
Not entirely pointless. I get your drift.

The way I see it, its a long run overhaul plan. If John does not work out, Jane should. It just sounds like too much work for publicity. Then again, its gonna be totally worth if maybe a few years from now.

My two cents, push away all the negativity that may revolve around your name now. Thats your first step. Build official accounts and then push for more.

Once you are done playing Jekyl and Hyde, pull out the tampon and see who your friend's sister really wants to fuck.

Then let us know. See you in a years time.
Thanks for the mention guys. I can def hook OP up with some news exposure. If there is a specific angle that youl'd like me to take, I can work that into my column. I'm also branching out to other publication sources...OP, hit me up with specific questions. I'll need to check out the sites to make sure they're clean enough for me to link to. 95% of the time they are...

