wedding dancing


Dec 12, 2007
At a wedding, would it piss you off if your girl is dancing with some guy and has her arms all around his head, neck area. And the dancing took place multiple times right in front of your face?

would you care, or not?

At a wedding, would it piss you off if your girl is dancing with some guy and has her arms all around his head, neck area. And the dancing took place multiple times right in front of your face?

would you care, or not?

I wouldn't date a girl that would do something like that -- sounds like you're a weak, pathetic man with zero self respect. Quit asking wickedfire stupid questions - grow some balls, drop the flirt, and find a mate who doesn't have a 40ft vagina that doubles as a rain shelter.


The hands on the neck = personal gave too much detail and I actually feel bad for you.

You need to give us more info now. Who is this fucking guy to her, and how did she end up dancing w/ him multiple times? You weren't leaving her alone to watch females get danced around while you were off talking shop w/ the boys were you?
Guess it depends who the other guy is.

You can always vagina punch her. That's always a good time.
At a wedding, would it piss you off if your girl is dancing with some guy and has her arms all around his head, neck area. And the dancing took place multiple times right in front of your face?

would you care, or not?



next her...
I assume that it was NOT your wedding.

That said, if it bugs you then yeah, its an issue. I say that because I am a VERY territorial person, yet when I was dating a professional dance instructor I watched her dance VERY intimate with other guys... and had no problem. Because with her the moment the song stopped you could tell it was an act.

That said, last bitch I was with was NOT professional, and when things like your story happened, it drove me CRAZY..... cause she was a whore.

Your biggest issue is she probably will accuse you of being the jealous type or territorial if you bring it up.

More details please!!!!!
She wouldn't be "your girl" if she were doing this.



Plus, ever heard of "cutting in"? Don't be a wimp. If you want this chick (whatever), go after her, don't just stand there while some more-alphadog type steals your time.

Oh yeah. And stop posting this kind of crap on WF unless you really enjoy hearing that your life is pathetic, you suck, 'your' girl apparently sucks too well, and nobody cares.
I wouldn't date a girl that would do something like that -- sounds like you're a weak, pathetic man with zero self respect. Quit asking wickedfire stupid questions - grow some balls, drop the flirt, and find a mate who doesn't have a 40ft vagina that doubles as a rain shelter.


If the woman feels like shes with you, she wouldn't do this. She may have the label, but behind it theres a lot of thoughts. And thoughts, lead to cheating. Cheating, leads to falcon punches. And falcon punches, lead to midnight Dennys run with the boys.
If the woman feels like shes with you, she wouldn't do this. She may have the label, but behind it theres a lot of thoughts. And thoughts, lead to cheating. Cheating, leads to falcon punches. And falcon punches, lead to midnight Dennys run with the boys.