Website Propagation


New member
Feb 19, 2011
Just had a bad experience with a web development company who was suppose to migrate my new website from one server to another. We tried three times and all three times there was issues with propagation. Such issues as : broken image links, redirect of to the homepage, redirect to a random website, and propagation was in day 6 and still jumping back and forth between old site and new site..

is this normal? The company continues to blame the domain registrar and propagation and I understand that but isnt there a way to avoid disruption or is it inevitable that disruption will occur during propogation? Help!!!

Simple solution: modify your hosts file and point the domain name to the new server's IP address. Then view the site. If anything is still broken you have a problem. Setting the IP manually should eliminate the propagation issue.
Stuff like broken images and redirects screwing up are the web dev's fault

Yeah, it's not that hard to design a site to be portable. Those who don't are probably still using wordart and frontpage. They are still around, doing B2B and charging $2000 for work because the client doesn't know any better.

It's rare for domains to take 24-48 hours to propagate today, especially .com/net/orgs.
Yeah, it's not that hard to design a site to be portable. Those who don't are probably still using wordart and frontpage. They are still around, doing B2B and charging $2000 for work because the client doesn't know any better.

It's rare for domains to take 24-48 hours to propagate today, especially .com/net/orgs.

Indeed. Namecheap generally happens within a few hours.