Website Junk Mail... no real mail.. like in my mail box... on my house...


New member
Mar 20, 2012
Today I got some interesting junk mail. Like in my mailbox, the one on my house. The entire thing was a great piece of copy with the call to action being about visiting a particular website. Now.... who does this? Wouldn't that cost too much money to really work? Of course, I did visit the website out of curiosity.

That new USPS direct mail thing is like $0.15 / mailbox from what I saw.
Plus what? Like another $0.15 / flyer created?

If those numbers are right.. then what are you looking at? Like a $300 CPM? $150 CPM if you somehow produce your mailers for free?

I've seen some shady "stock tips" come in the mail.. that's about it.
Lol. I guess you are right. I did open it, read it, go straight to their site, come here and ask about it. Hrm, maybe I need to be mailing out some letters. What would I do, just pick random addresses out of the Yellow Pages?