website designer wanted

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read some of the threads in buy/sell/trade - look for people with some portfolios listed, decent iTrader, good reputation - and use your gut. lots of people view this board but aren't contributors... so knowing you have $10k to blow you've set yourself up as a target.

and, man, your site design sucks. :D
read some of the threads in buy/sell/trade - look for people with some portfolios listed, decent iTrader, good reputation - and use your gut. lots of people view this board but aren't contributors... so knowing you have $10k to blow you've set yourself up as a target.

and, man, your site design sucks. :D

lmao im not spending that kinda $$ on a website im not stupid
i need soomeone to build my landing page basically and i will replicate it 70 some odd times for all my pages
I usually ask for between 150 and 200 for a simple (yet pretty) 100% original design. I code in XHTML and CSS, leaving you ready for your own SEO marketing. I have to finish 3 sites by the end of the month, so if you want to be my first March customer, let me know.
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