website better??

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dude - you other site sucked some serious balls - they might have been some minor changes (which they really weren't) but the shit you removed was so glaring and jarring that it weighed the whole thing down.

good on you. you're a web designer.
dude - you other site sucked some serious balls - they might have been some minor changes (which they really weren't) but the shit you removed was so glaring and jarring that it weighed the whole thing down.

good on you. you're a web designer.
well thanks i stilll am paying someone to build a better one for me i just dont know exactly what i need or want right now.
yeah much better, but get rid of that logo. If I saw that on a store I wouldnt buy from them.

the bevel tool is a privilege not a right.
It's better but it's really not there yet. The main problem is that the eye doesn't know where to look. Perhaps take out the right column to simplify it. Also a colour scheme and proper logo could be useful.
Looks 100x better :) I agree about the logo, and in firefox the header links are hard to click ( it's like firefox thinks they are 1px tall, so I have to scan vertically with my cursor to find where to click). It might not be a big issue, check your logs and see what browser your users use. I think firefox has a 30% market share now, and the crowd that visits your site are probably techies, so it may be worth fixing.

Edit: The links for the Home & Product page work fine, just the others are messed up.

SEO Related:
You also have two keyword and description tags, take the blank ones out.
All pages use the same title
Looks 100x better :) I agree about the logo, and in firefox the header links are hard to click ( it's like firefox thinks they are 1px tall, so I have to scan vertically with my cursor to find where to click). It might not be a big issue, check your logs and see what browser your users use. I think firefox has a 30% market share now, and the crowd that visits your site are probably techies, so it may be worth fixing.

Edit: The links for the Home & Product page work fine, just the others are messed up.

You also have two keyword and description tags, take the blank ones out.

yea i have noticed that but i dont really knw how to change it..i did something yesterdya that caused it but no idea what i did or how to fix it
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