Webmasterradio.FM - How to download podcast MP3's

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New member
Jan 15, 2007
Minneapolis, MN
A few months ago, Webmasterradio.fm introduced a paid-subscription model for access to premium content, which is pretty much worthless. In the process they have also made it very difficult to download the podcast mp3's to listen on your mp3 player.

It can still be done however, and here's how you do it.

Go to the WMR.FM page that contains the podcast you'd like to download. For example:

FTC finalizes approval on DoubleClick Acquisition by Google, plus Microsoft Live Search Fixes Issue With Listing Google AdWords Ads

The last part of the url is what you want to be concerned with here, the part that says "DoubleCick-acquisition-approved.htm"

In order to download the MP3, you'll take the last section of that url, replace the .htm with .mp3, and prepend the following url to the beggining:


So your final url looks like this:

I hope this helps folks looking for an easy way to download WMR.FM podcasts.

Yea, always wondered why they left the MP3 link in the feed, when they charge for access.

A mistake (the charging) on their part, in my opinion. 60% of the shows are dead, the info in the others is old and outdated.

Still, listened to everything I could, as it was mind-filler for driving time...
Ok after a little investigating I can see that these ARE NOT the full podcasts that your downloading. I tried to grab some episodes of Net Income this way and I noticed the file sizes were too small but I let them download anyways. They cut off after 15 mins or so and then it tells you to become a webmasterradio.fm member to get the full episode.

They're not that stupid.
Or you could just go to the RSS feed for the show(s) you want.

It's right there on the page for each show.

Here is the Daily Searchcast RSS: The Daily SearchCast


Hearing your voice while I'm at the gym is like second nature. Working out and Affiliate Thing go hand in hand for me. Free seminar tix to AFW = me coming on the show to talk about how affiliate thing has helped me lose 20 lbs in the last couple of months! ;-)

Second, I apologize, you're totally right. I had never bothered with the RSS feeds before. WMR should make it easier to download from the page itself though. Thanks for the tip...

Hearing your voice while I'm at the gym is like second nature. Working out and Affiliate Thing go hand in hand for me. Free seminar tix to AFW = me coming on the show to talk about how affiliate thing has helped me lose 20 lbs in the last couple of months! ;-)

Second, I apologize, you're totally right. I had never bothered with the RSS feeds before. WMR should make it easier to download from the page itself though. Thanks for the tip...

Check your PM.

I get my fix at the gym from the Daily Searchcast and the Video Ninjas.
Ok after a little investigating I can see that these ARE NOT the full podcasts that your downloading. I tried to grab some episodes of Net Income this way and I noticed the file sizes were too small but I let them download anyways. They cut off after 15 mins or so and then it tells you to become a webmasterradio.fm member to get the full episode.

They're not that stupid.

Some of the shows have been shortened (like SitePoint to 30 mins) and SEO Rockstars. I have not tried to get any NetIncome (since they stopped using that name in Aug or so). I listened to SitePoint, a few Daily Search Casts, and some SEO101 (hey, always pays to be reminded!) and all were full feeds.

There was one show in the last bunch I downloaded that was screwed up. The last 15 mins were at the beginning, and then first 45 were at the end.

THAT is why PAYING for it would suck.

Hopefully they will go back to some decent file naming, so you can know what order to listen to them in, and what show you are listening to! Paying members get the same lousy interface and filenames, so paying would not fix that...

Just glad I archived all those old WMR shows from the last year. :)
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