Web page shit


New member
Dec 31, 2010
We have three sites that are selling the same product. One site for local sales, one for statewide sales and one for national sales. We have a link to each site at the bottom of the homepage and someone said that we shouldn't. We aren't trying to link them for g, we are linking them for leads that possibly could come one or the other. Should we take them off?

if your not worried about the ranking for google, the best way to answer your question is to ask a question.

Is the links working for leads so far? Your the only person that can answer it because your the only person that can look at your visitor stats.
Maybe I didn't ask that question right. The links aren't a huge source for leads, we thougth it couldnt hurt so why not. We are very concerned about the ranking of google thats why I asked, the hits wouldnt be worth the ranking.