web master world. Worth joining?

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I've visted from time to time, but imo there are too many chickin littles there and people that are spouting nonsense. Just visit there when a google algo change happens and you'll see what I mean.
If you're talking about the paid subscription, it's not worth it. The quality of the threads in the supporter's forum has gone down a lot since I first joined. Unfortunately, that seems to be true of the forum as a whole.
The information you'll find there is pretty general, and their best advice is usually "read everything here, there is some great information". That part annoys the shit out of me. Thanks for being so helpful you blue widget douchebags!
Webmasterworld doesn't allow signatures... and the moderators their go ape shit if your post links to an external site.
If you post a question the first reply you will get is "repeat post, search before you post!"

Or something along those lines. I stopped going there.
Jon said:
The information you'll find there is pretty general, and their best advice is usually "read everything here, there is some great information". That part annoys the shit out of me. Thanks for being so helpful you blue widget douchebags!

Blue widget douchebags? Is that the new term for smurf? :1bluewinky:
Hahahaha... I must have missed the initial widget remark. Their no links and no specifics rules are fucking stupid. I HATE WIDGETS!
rembrandt said:
Just wondering if anyone here is a member of web master world and if the membership is worthwhile.

I am not so crazy about their forum.
If you want to try different forum, go to:
- DigitalPoint
- Sitepoint
- Earnersforum

I found those personally always very helpful! :)
I would rather stick around Digital Point and WickedFIRE !!!
Why waste your money when you can get Free !!!
>>>and the moderators their go ape shit

I wouldn't quite say we go "apeshit". ;-) There is a terms of service at webmasterworld that we agree to uphold when we sign on to help out. Webmasterworld makes the rules, we just do our best to uphold them. It's no easy job modding a forum - especially one that big. It seems this forum is growing quite quickly and I'm sure the bigger it gets, the more rules that come into play designed by the administration and then upheld by the moderation staff here (which will get bigger and bigger). Bottomline is that we volunteer and spend a lot of time helping try and make it a better forum. That said, I'm speaking on a personal level and not in any "professional" capacity on the topic. ;-)
I first went there over a year ago when I was looking for a script for a site I was working on. Never found it there but that's when I started reading about affiliate marketing & the adsense game. I found a lot of info about widgets there...but don't know what to do with it because I still haven't figured out what a widget is.
sugarrae- pull head from ass! this place will be successful because there is really just 1 hard and fast rule, DON'T BE WORSELESS! that includes stupid stuff and spam! other than that anything goes, Jon is smart he knows that is why this is kicking ass! people like you probably police craigslist and think you are doing something for the "comunity" when you label something as spam. I cant stand busy bodies they are BITCHES! therefore you must be a BITCH!
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Xrproto said:
I still haven't figured out what a widget is.

Me neither :confused:

EDIT: Oh yes I found it! "Widget is a general-purpose term, or placeholder name, for any unspecified device, including those that have not yet been invented. It is commonly used in textbook and other examples where the identity of the product or function is irrelevant and could be distracting"
Wasn't easy when every other description is like 99% of this

Anyways I do think a membership there could be worth it sometimes. Often when I google for something a wmw thread will get #1 or at least a good position and the description seem to have exactly what I'm searching for so I click the link, ops, has to be member, click back, and then search for another 30 minutes and then find it. :disgust:
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