Hey, its me again.
What are some reliable web host? By reliable I mean they are up 99% of the time, not slow, and not full of holes in their security.
I know this will vary by what I need so here we go.
I do not need VPS.
I will be using wordpress
I would like to host multiple sites
I want an email address based on my domain name, and I want to be able to setup forwarding to my gmail account.
Customer support that is likely to respond in 24 hours or less is also a big plus.
What are some reliable web host? By reliable I mean they are up 99% of the time, not slow, and not full of holes in their security.
I know this will vary by what I need so here we go.
I do not need VPS.
I will be using wordpress
I would like to host multiple sites
I want an email address based on my domain name, and I want to be able to setup forwarding to my gmail account.
Customer support that is likely to respond in 24 hours or less is also a big plus.