We Will Turn It Around!

Ever Been Frustrated With Outsourcing Tech Work?

We've all been there and it sucks! Personally I'm sick and tired of bad quality work, missed deadlines and the gut-churning frustration that goes along with the crappy workmanship.

Imagine: you're sitting in front of your computer. You've just started your day. You fire up your IM and quickly pull up *Insert Foreign Name Here* to check on progress.

This is more than just a project to you. It's your baby! You're excited about it and the future you're building! That's awesome, I love that feeling!

Hours go by with no reply however. They're not answering their email or your IMs. You're cool that they're not on the same timezone with you. You understand they have certain business hours they need to keep. But no word in almost a week?

You regroup and try to focus on something else. You check your stats and WHAT? Half the night none of your sites were up! What the fuck!? It's the 3rd time this month it happens. They said they fixed it last time! Fuck, and you can't get ahold of anybody over there!

It's not even noon and you're already loosing money. In the mood to punch somebody in the face yet?!

Tired Of Throwing Money Out The Window?

Personally, I was fed up with it so I put together my own crew of hand-picked tech-rockstars. Let me tell you: I've had an unbelievable run since!

I have access to some amazing talent over here. The best techs you've ever seen. These guys have some astonishing experience! They run ridiculously gigantic high availability setups for big-business (banks, telcos, etc).

With that core firmly in place now, I'm comfortable to expand my NO-BULLSHIT TECH-ROCKSTAR SHOP and give you guys access to the same amazing talent I've had the privilege of working with for the past year and a half.

This Might Not Be For You!

Listen, if you're just starting out, this probably isn't for you. We don't do small. We don't do easy. We're not about being the cheapest.

We're about AMAZING RESULTS EVERY-TIME. We're about NO BULLSHIT, EVER. We're about doing an amazing job where others have consistently failed to meet your expectations. In the end, we're about putting a smile on your face!

Think You Need Help?

Jump on the 1 FREE review copy I'm giving out today and get ready to be blown away (obviously NDA's or Non Compete's won't be a problem to sign).

There's One Catch!

I'm giving these away ONLY to the most gut-wrenching tech/outsourcing horror story out there.

If you spend a fortune on servers and bandwidth -- we'll turn it around for free! If you're tired of your bloated apps eating away at your margin -- we'll turn it around for free! Etc..

PM me your horror stories and hopefully you'll be the lucky bastard who gets his setup turned around for free! :)

Alright, There's A Second Catch!

You have until Friday evening to submit your story!