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New member
Mar 26, 2009
I've been lurking the forums, reading different thread from different forums, but havent and will not purchase any ebooks yet.

I've signed up with teh major networks, clickbank,cj,shareasale, and linkshare.

One day i just said, f it, and just went for it. I found a $50 adwords credit, set up my campaign to push a clickbank ebook. I did direct linking but didnt have much success and eventually none of my ads showed.

I hooped onto a different product and pushed that. Setup my page and upload the landing pages provided. in my first day i made ~$40 dollars. Do you freaking know how amazing that felt, like i won the lotto....but not quite.

The next day i made another sale, at ~$13. I caught myself just checking stats all day. Next thing i know, none of my ads are showing, i guess that i got google slapped.

My main hurdle is now picking the right product to promote and the right channels to do it in. I NEED HELP. I'm also going to sign up for other networks such as; Ads4dough, copeac, and some others.

I'm open to suggestions and have a good flame suite, i can take the heat.

I'm goign to venture into social media to push the products after i get signed up with some good networks that have high converting offers.

So I plan to chronicle it here. Figured it'll be a good reference for others in my same boat. Plus, it'll be good karma.

Be sure to have a website up you can refer to when signing up at the other networks. If either of them does not answer to your application including not even declining your request, be sure to be active in contacting them regarding it.
i have a lot of sites, but they are just parked. I was going to develop them after i figure out the product to promote and turn those into landing pages.

Should i throw a wordpress template up and come up with a "company" name? what are they looking for when they look at your site??
i have a lot of sites, but they are just parked. I was going to develop them after i figure out the product to promote and turn those into landing pages.

Should i throw a wordpress template up and come up with a "company" name? what are they looking for when they look at your site??
Pick a niche and just throw together a review site. Get a couple dozen articles and that should be fine. That's what I did and haven't been turned down yet except by Copeac...
When they review sites, I think they mostly look to see if an actual human did a bit of work on it, or if it is automated (spammy). That's why if you talk to them over the phone, it goes a long way toward approving your account.
Why stick just to PPC? Why not try organic SEO? Why not both? What about social media? There are many ways to get the hits...
Im applying to other networks now. I will start with social media and other search engines besides the big G.

the thing that made me slow down was creating landing pages, but i think i can overcome that with some dreamweaver tutorials.

picking the hot offers to promote and where, and the right keywords are probably the next step.
i have a lot of sites, but they are just parked. I was going to develop them after i figure out the product to promote and turn those into landing pages.

Should i throw a wordpress template up and come up with a "company" name? what are they looking for when they look at your site??

Besides when you fill out the application don't hesitate to call the network 24-48 hours that way you show them that you are serious. Above all don't sound desperate. They need you karma sound confident in the process. it works like Magic.
Some of the people here with blogs in their sigs will help you get into networks quickly, e.g., Nicky Cakes has connections with Advaliant and Never Blue I think. You could shoot them an email to help succor your passage into affiliate heaven.
Just be careful not to apply to too many networks. I found myself doing that, got into all of them, but now i sometimes have revenue in some networks im not actively promoting and have money just floating around until I hit my minimum. Super lame. If you can get a good relationship with a competent AM, it will really help, which is another reason not to apply to too many networks, it's hard to manage a ton of relationships.
Just got denied from Neverblue. Azoogle is taking forever to get back to me, I've even called and left 2 messages, application has been sent in over 9 days ago. Im starting to focus on just 2-3 networks, need to work on my keywords and i think ill be doing ok.
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