Ways to promote hosting company


New member
May 20, 2014
Hello Forum members!
We are in search of new ways to promote our company. It is essential to get your opinion about google adwords or facebook ads. If you have ever used them.
Or maybe we should not get involved in this type of advertising at all
Perhaps you can advice another ways for promotion?

P.S. Forums, LinkedIN, Twitter are in use.

Thank you.

The best way to promote your web hosting business is Google Adwords. Here you can precisely target your audience through Search Ads or Display Ads. In search ads your ad will be shown when somebody will search for the specific keywords which is included in your campaign. For branding your web hosting business you can use Display Ads. Advantages 1) You can set your daily budget 2) You have to pay only if somebody's clicks your ad 3) You can start & stop your campaign anytime you want