Ways to destroy/delete/clean old website accounts


Jun 10, 2012
I'm having a bit of a cleanout of old website signup accounts. I used to use unique email addressed at a catchall domain, which worked pretty well for a number of years, i.e. wickedfire@domain.tld .

However the spam being sent to random addresses on the domain, i.e. efwf3f3fe@domain.tld is getting out of hand (and delivered), so now I'm creating unique forwarders instead, i.e. wickedfire-a1b2@domain.tld. This should help control future spam. In case you're wondering, I wrote something to generate the address (and username, password etc, all managed).

But there's some old accounts I just want to discard, previously I used something like guerillamail and changed the address, and forgot about it. But it still bothers me a little that the account is still there in a database. Often you cannot delete account, but it's possible that someone could gain control of that address and then the account. Of course no one would want to, just being OCD.

What I was thinking of doing is grabbing a nonsense 99c domain for a year, and signing stuff over to that, on a subdomain too.

Any thoughts? Best practices for discarding accounts you cannot delete?

But it still bothers me a little that the account is still there in a database.

Do you really think that deleting an account anywhere would delete all of your info and emails on the company's databases? LOL

Also, I fully expect that most/all popular databases will eventually be published on the internet for all to see one way or the other (hacking, info-selling, sabotage, pissed off employees, idiocy, negligence, etc). This includes gmail/hotmail/medical records/NSA etc.

Everything you ever did is on a DB somewhere and ain't nobody gonna delete that shit.
Use a mail service. Point your MX records to their servers. Set up aliases, filters, etc. I use fastmail.fm You can host up to 50 domains, 500 aliases on their enhanced service, $40/yr.
Do you really think that deleting an account anywhere would delete all of your info and emails on the company's databases?

Not in all cases, but I'd expect some actually do, that's good enough.