Watered down vodka lessons

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Resident GILF
Aug 6, 2006
Arizona, USA
I clearly remember getting grounded in high school for drinking my dad's vodka and adding water to it, thinking he wouldn't know. He knew because he marked the bottle and the vodka level was OVER his mark. He would've been mad I drank, but he was really mad his vodka was watered down! I do not remember anything about my history lessons that same year. Lessons learned by mistakes/failures/experiences tend to stand out.

My questions to newbie and experienced entrepreneurs here on WF is.......

What was one (or more) of your failures, mistakes, or negative experiences that turned out to be a postitive?

During my freshmen year in college I got what you might call an alchoholic education. I went to the number one liquour school in the country, so everyone drank 3 or 4 nights a week, and i drank that...or more. I of course flunked out, and moved back with the parents and got a job. The reality of a shitty 9-5 for the rest of my life set in and I started looking for ways to achieve a better quality of life. I got into web design, and took a job as a salesmen. It took me a year, not only to get back to school, but to save up enough mony to pay for the next year. I continued to work and payed for my college education through the internet and selling cars. Had I not flunked out, who knows how long it would've taken for me to get my act together.


PS- Everytime I see a post by you, I'm impressed. The day my mother asks me if I can help her become an internet marketer is the day hell freezes over.
Thats a great example and thank you so much for the compliment!

Bob Schmuck, my son, watched me for years working hard at one or two jobs and not get very far. He gave me a book to read "Rich Dad, Poor Dad". It changed my way of thinking about money. The "dialog" with the kids at the beginning isn't very true to life (I have two in that age group), but I put that aside and was open to the message of the book. That was 4-5 months ago. I still work two wage earning jobs but can I see the end of that coming and as of today I know enough about WP to use it and have 2 domains that I host myself. (Big steps for someone who had to get off the couch as a child and TURN the KNOB on the TV to change channels!).
PS: Don't give up on your mom!
Oh, and one more thing. My brother comes over to my house and drinks my vodka and practices the water refill. At first I was mad, but then I realized... put it in the freezer. The water freezes and the vodka doesnt. Simple solution.

Work Smart
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