Watch out fear mongers, entrepreneurial spirit still live and well


New member
Jul 20, 2009
How can this be if we are all so oppressed?

Despite Recession, U.S. Entrepreneurial Activity Rises in 2009 to Highest Rate in 14 Years, Kauffman Study Shows

This is in response to this:

I love how even the idiotic libs at USA Today are noticing this as if it's surprising. Keep discouraging hard work, keep stealing from the private sector, and keep giving money to stoned out, lazy bums. The Age Of Obama is truly a new Age of Enlightenment. This fucking idiot has dragged this once great nation into the gutter of socialism and he's only just begun.

8 Million unemployed = a rise in entrepreneurial activity

It will always be the entrepreneurs and small businesses that brings economies out of recessions

You're starting to see that now.

You're just seeing what you always see when the economy gets tough.... Americans looking for ways to make money they need to pay the mortgage.

The criticism of Obama is that he is increasing regulations, restrictions, and doing nothing to stimulate this small business growth.

Instead we've been floating 'too big to fail' stagnate business models.
The criticism of Obama is that he is increasing regulations, restrictions, and doing nothing to stimulate this small business growth.

I'm not disagreeing with criticism of the current administration, but defending myself from the idea that we are unable to go out and put forth effort and create value now because of it. If it does get to that point then the same people who have the urge to go out and live each day now will fight it. I don't know what that would look like but how could it happen any other way? The socialist threat takes hold and then what, all the wealthy successful people who enjoy doing what the hell they want currently are just going to give it all up?
When they said Entrepreneurs, they meant guys who got suckered into a MLM program
The "spirit" of the players don't mean shit if the rules of the game change. You don't get that yet, but in time you'll understand. Until then, keep looking like a retard.
Not just forced, when people get laid off / screwed etc. by the big companies they thought they were being loyal to, more of them realize that the only American dream is to go into business for yourself.

This has been the trend way before Obama. No one works 30 years for a company and then retires anymore. And it is only getting worse (or better, if you are cut out to be a small biz / entrepreneurial person).
The "spirit" of the players don't mean shit if the rules of the game change. You don't get that yet, but in time you'll understand. Until then, keep looking like a retard.

Just like the new "Send a fucking 1099 to everyone!" law. Yet another entry difficulty into business that will probably deter people.