
Any value would be based on the site and sales. As a domain name I would say its not worth the reg fee. Many high quality me.uk domains have been sold for next to nothing and large search volumes still available - for example sofa.me.uk was only regged a few weeks back.
You could sell the site for a monthly revenue multiplier, but like the previous poster said, just the domain name has no reseller value.. The hyphen and the me.uk kills any potential reseller value..

You should improve your site to make more sales and get more traffic then you can sell the package for more :)
You could sell the site for a monthly revenue multiplier, but like the previous poster said, just the domain name has no reseller value.. The hyphen and the me.uk kills any potential reseller value..

You should improve your site to make more sales and get more traffic then you can sell the package for more :)

That's a good idea, i'll do that then, thanks for the advice
I agree with everything that everyone else has posted on this thread...

I wouldn't even bother looking at this domain if it was for sale somewhere.

You can definitely build up a nice site, earn some revenue and then re-think the possibility of selling it. In this case, the content/revenue on the site is going to be your big winner here. The domain just isn't worth anything.

Hope that helps man, hope you can get it going good!